Remove Previous Versions
KG-TOWER® software version 5.4
Install Error
If you get an error message during installation, that states “crstlv.dll failed to register,” exit the installation and try downloading and installing the following Microsoft patch:
- Click download
- Choose “vcredist_x86.exe”
- Click Next to download the file to your machine
- Open the file to install the patch
.NET Framework 4.8 Runtime
The .NET Framework may already be installed on your system if you are running Windows 7 or Windows 10. However, if you have an earlier service pack for either of the operating systems, you may need to download and install .NET Framework 4.8 Runtime from Microsoft. Selecting the link will open the Microsoft Web page to obtain the .NET Framework 4.8 Runtime.
Administrative rights
You must have rights or access to install software on your computer.
Remove all previous versions of KG-TOWER® software from your workstation before installing KG-TOWER® version 5.4
NOTE: KG-TOWER® version 5.4 will open files created by all previous versions.
- Navigate to the Control Panel.
- Windows 7, select Start >> Control Panel.
- Windows 10, select Start >> Settings >> System.
- Choose option to remove programs:
- Windows 7, select Programs and Features.
- Windows 10, select Apps & Features.
- Select KG-TOWER® [version #] from the list of programs.
- Select Uninstall (7 and 10) to display a dialog box to confirm you want to uninstall KG-TOWER® software.
- Select Yes.
- A dialog box displays to show the progress.
- Depending on the security settings for your computer, you may receive a message to confirm you want to make changes to your computer. Select Yes.
- The Uninstall or change a program (7) window displays after the software is removed.
- Repeat steps 3 through 5 to remove all versions of KG-TOWER® software.
- Close the Uninstall or change a program (7) window or Apps & features (10).
- Proceed with download and installation of KG-TOWER® version 5.4.
Download KG-TOWER® software to a temporary folder and install immediately
- In the KG-TOWER® Software Download Link email, select click here to start the download process. The KG-TOWER_5.4_Installation.msi file is approximately 96 MB.
- Depending on your browser, you may see a message such as "Do you want to run or save KG-TOWER_software_5.4_Installation.msi (96 MB) from" in a pop-up dialog box.
- Windows 8.1 will display a message: "The publisher of KG-TOWER_software_5.4_Installation.msi couldn't be verified. Are you sure you want to run the program?"
- Select Run.
- Depending on your browser settings, the browser may display a security message such as "KG-TOWER_software_5.4_Installation.msi is not commonly downloaded and could harm your computer." In the dialog box in Internet Explorer:
- Select Actions to display the SmartScreen Filter dialog box.
- Select More Options.
- Select Run anyway to display the KG-TOWER® software installation wizard.
- The installation wizard displays: "Welcome to the KG-TOWER® Software v 5.4 Installation Wizard" and a recommendation to close all Windows software programs.
- Do not close the browser.
- Do not cancel the Installation Wizard.
- Close all Windows software programs.
- Select Next to continue the installation.
- In the User Information window:
- Type name and organization.
- Select an option to either allow all users (or only you) to be able to run the program on the computer where it is being installed.
- Select Next to display the Ready to Install the Application window. Options in this window include:
- Select Back to re-enter information.
- Select Next to proceed with the installation.
- Select Cancel to exit the installation wizard.
- Select Next to start the installation of the files.
- Depending on the security settings for your computer, a User Account Control dialog box may display "Do you want to allow the following program from an unknown publisher to make changes to this computer?" Select YES to proceed with the installation.
- The Updating System window displays to show the progress of the installation.
- When the necessary files have been installed, "KG-TOWER® Software v 5.4 has been successfully installed" displays.
- Select Finish to exit the installation.
You have successfully installed KG-TOWER® Equipment Rating Program!
Please send questions regarding KG-TOWER® software to
Additional information
KG-TOWER® software
Download and installation options (HTML)
Utility for PRO/II simulation software (Free)
Download and installation instructions (HTML). The free utility converts tower hydraulic information in PRO/II software to a file that KG-TOWER software can read.
PROII to KG-TOWER® software integration. The utility eliminates the need for manual transfer of data between KG-TOWER and PRO/II software applications.