Crude Distillation Unit (CDU) / Vaccuum Distillation Unit (VDU)

Koch-Glitsch delivers advanced solutions for crude distillation units (CDUs) and vacuum distillation units (VDUs), which are essential for refining crude oil into products such as gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, and petrochemical feedstocks. These units utilize precise separation technologies to optimize product recovery and enhance refinery efficiency.

Technologies for Reliable Distillation

Refiners face significant challenges in CDUs and VDUs, from handling opportunity crudes to minimizing energy consumption. Koch-Glitsch provides solutions that ensure high-efficiency separation and long-term reliability under varying operating conditions. 

Atmospheric and Vacuum Crude Towers 

Corrosion and fouling due to salt deposition in the top section of the atmospheric crude tower and other refinery fractionators is common due to the low overhead operating temperatures. Careful material selection for the uppermost tower internals is critical for corrosion protection. For most crude units, trays with fouling-resistant fixed valve units, such as PROVALVE® units, are recommended for the greatest protection from fouling and corrosion products. Packing can also be used when necessary by using proper equipment designs. A heavier, more corrosion-resistant packing, such as PROFLUX® or FLEXIGRID® severe service grid packing, is generally recommended for these cases. 

PROFLUX® severe service grid packing is the preferred packing in crude unit wash zones due to its resistance to fouling, heavy-duty construction and good de-entrainment capabilities. Through rods and/or heavy-duty holddown grids are often recommended to increase the protection from damage due to possible upset. 

Model 943 spray nozzle distributors are typically recommended for distribution of the wash oil to the top of the bed. The larger spray nozzle orifices, in conjunction with the significantly higher distributor velocities, make the spray distributor a more reliable distributor than other distributor types at the low wash oil rates. For very light crudes, Vacuum Columns with a low flash zone temperature and/or Lube Vacuum Columns with moderate risk for fouling and coke formation, a Model 156 trough-type liquid distributor may also be considered. 

For optimum vapor distribution and feed de-entrainment, the Model 758 Enhanced Vapor Horn is the preferred flash zone equipment. 

The stripping sections are prone to fouling and have a high potential for upsets due to the presence of steam. High-performance fixed valve trays with heavy-duty uplift designs are generally recommended for the stripping sections, with special attention paid to the change in vapor velocity throughout the section. Koch-Glitsch offers a full line of fouling-resistant fixed valve trays, such as PROVALVE® and SUPERFLUX® trays.

Key Offerings

  • Anti-Fouling Solutions: Specialized designs and materials are used to mitigate fouling and extend the life of equipment in CDUs and VDUs.
  • High-Capacity Structured Packing: These solutions ensure efficient separation, low pressure drops, and high throughput in atmospheric and vacuum distillation columns.
  • Custom Column Internals: Designed to optimize vapor-liquid distribution, these internals enhance separation performance and reduce fouling risks.

Benefits for CDU/VDU Operations

  • Reliability in various operating conditions
  • Improved separation efficiency and product yield
  • Reduced energy consumption and operating costs
  • Lower maintenance needs and extended equipment lifespan

Koch-Glitsch’s expertise and customized solutions ensure that CDUs and VDUs operate at peak performance, ensuring reliable operations and maximizing yield. With our commitment to reliability and performance, we provide solutions that empower refineries to meet the growing demand for refined products.

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