Modular Systems

Koch Modular Process Systems, a joint venture with Koch-Glitsch, specializes in modular mass transfer systems for the chemical process industry.

a building with pipes and blue sky

Koch Modular Process Systems

Koch Modular Process Systems specializes in the design and manufacturing of modular mass transfer processing systems for the chemical process industry. The company’s highly skilled team combines a unique blend of single-source capabilities that combine to provide a true step-change in process, product, and project delivery across the chemical engineering process industry.

Established through a joint venture with Koch-Glitsch, Koch Modular’s construction partners can be found in strategic areas of the U.S. and Canada, ready to serve clients worldwide. Customers appreciate Koch Modular’s collaborative approach to finding the best process system solution for them.

Koch Modular can deliver complete project solutions to markets including: 

  • Chemical Industry
  • Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Biodiesel & Biochemical
  • Petrochemical
  • Food, Flavor & Fragrance
  • Electronic Specialty Gases
  • Carbon Dioxide & Acid Gases
a building with pipes and blue sky

Partner with us

Looking to take your operations to the next level? Contact us online to request more information about any of our products or capabilities and learn how Koch-Glitsch can help you.