Amine Production

Koch-Glitsch offers high-efficiency separation technologies for amine production, ensuring sustainability and high-purity outputs for specialty chemical applications.

Efficient Technologies for Amine Production

Amine production involves complex chemical reactions, distillations, and separations under various operating conditions. Koch-Glitsch provides innovative solutions designed to enhance performance and maximize product yield.  

Monoethanolamine (MEA) is produced by reacting ethylene oxide with aqueous ammonia. The reaction also creates diethanolamine (DEA) and triethanolamine (TEA). MEA is used as feedstock in the production of detergents, emulsifiers, polishes, pharmaceuticals, corrosion inhibitors and chemical intermediates, in addition to being employed in gas processing to remove CO2 and H2S.

MEA, DEA and TEA are separated in a distillation train operating under vacuum. This allows the distillation to proceed at lower temperatures, which reduces product degradation and poor color quality. FLEXIPAC® HC® structured packing provides the very low pressure drop and high efficiency required for this application. 

MONTZ-Pak type A3 wire gauze packing can be used to achieve even lower pressure drop and higher efficiency when liquid rates are low enough to take advantage of the capillary effect to wet the packing. The high separation efficiency of MONTZ-Pak type A3 wire gauze packing results in low energy consumption through reduced reflux rates and higher purity products at shorter column heights.

Key Offerings

  • High-Efficiency Packing: Tailored solutions ensure efficient separation, high throughput, and low energy consumption.
  • Mist Eliminators: Reduce product losses and maintain the purity of recovered products such as toluene diisocyanate (TDI) and methylenediphenyl diisocyanate (MDI).
  • Custom Column Internals: Engineered to optimize vapor-liquid distribution while enhancing separations and operations.
  • Falling Film Evaporators: Design know-how and experience supplying falling film evaporator systems, including retrofits of existing with new liquid distribution systems and inlet spouts to achieve improved product quality.

Benefits for Amine Producers

  • Improved separation efficiency and product purity
  • Reduced operating costs due to lower energy consumption
  • Reliable equipment performance under demanding conditions
  • Decreased maintenance needs and extended equipment lifespan

Koch-Glitsch’s technologies empower amine producers to optimize their operations, delivering high-performance solutions based on our application know-how and advantaged equipment offerings.

Partner with us

Looking to take your operations to the next level? Contact us online to request more information about any of our products or capabilities and learn how Koch-Glitsch can help you.