Performance Optimization

Enhance process performance with Koch-Glitsch’s advanced solutions for mass transfer and separation. Our technologies can reduce energy consumption, extend equipment lifespan, and improve the overall durability and dependability systems across the most demanding industries. 

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Optimizing Systems for Better Output

Koch-Glitsch provides tailored performance optimization strategies to elevate system performance. Our advanced innovations – including PROFLUX® severe service grid that effectively reduces pressure drop in severe services, and PROVALVE® trays that efficiently increase mass transfer with exceptional fouling resistance – are designed to enhance energy efficiency, throughput, and product quality in mass transfer and separation processes.

With optimized mist eliminators, coalescers, and custom-engineered tower internals, we provide tailored solutions for industries such as pharmaceuticals, food processing, chemicals, refining, and gas processing. Whether upgrading existing equipment or designing new systems, Koch-Glitsch partners with customers to improve separation performance, reduce operational costs, and ensure long-term reliability.

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Performance Optimization Products

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