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a close-up of a metal mold

A Valve

Koch-Glitsch A valves are standard, round full-size valves with a wide operating range and a higher capacity than standard sieve trays.

This is the standard, round, full-size, one-piece valve that has been used successfully in columns around the world for over 50 years.  

  • It is provided in several leg lengths to accommodate various tray deck thicknesses 
  • It is normally dimpled to help prevent sticking to the deck, but can be flush-seated if needed 
  • The orifice can be made to prevent the valve from spinning 
  • Dual valve weights may be used in alternating rows to extend the already wide operating range 
a white plastic wheel with holes

BETA RING® Random Packing

BETA RING® random packing from Koch-Glitsch utilizes a unique, proprietary construction to provide excellent surface area for improved separation efficiency.

The BETA RING random packing utilizes a unique, proprietary construction of slots, tabs, and spokes to provide excellent surface area for effective gas and liquid contact and improved separation efficiency. The open structure inhibits fouling by allowing solids to be more easily flushed through the bed by the liquid.

The low aspect ratio of the BETA RING random packing results in preferential orientation when loaded into the tower, which increases capacity and provides lower pressure drop compared to Pall rings and saddles.

a group of plastic objects


CASCADE MINI-RINGS® random packing from Koch-Glitsch is available in multiple sizes to optimize efficiency and capacity for your specific applications.

The low aspect ratio of CASCADE MINI-RINGS random packing results in preferential orientation when loaded into the tower, which can increase capacity and reduce pressure drop. Koch-Glitsch offers multiple sizes of this packing to optimize the efficiency and capacity for your specific applications.

The geometry of the CASCADE MINI-RINGS random packing provides higher efficiency by more efficient use of the packing surface. The open structure inhibits fouling by allowing solids to be more easily flushed through the bed by the liquid.

a group of circular metal objects

CASCADE MINI-RINGS® Random Packing (CMR Random Packing)

Koch-Glitsch CASCADE MINI-RINGS® random packing provides more efficient use of packing surfaces with increased capacity and reduced pressure drop.

In 1971, a new approach was taken to the slotted ring packing concept with the introduction of CASCADE MINI RINGS or CMR high-performance random packing. CMR random packing utilizes an aspect ratio of 1:3 (height of the cylinder is 1/3 of the diameter). As a result, the packing elements preferentially orient themselves with the cylindrical axis tending towards vertical. This preferential orientation better exposes both the interior and exterior surfaces of the rings to the liquid and vapor, providing more efficient use of the packing surface. At the same time, this orientation allows a less restricted flow for the vapor, resulting in increased capacity while reducing pressure drop.

a circular object with a curved surface

Continuous Vertical Support Column

Koch-Glitsch continuous vertical support columns provide a simpler tray installation process, reduces installation time and minimizes hot work within a tower.

The Continuous Vertical Support Column provides a simpler tray installation sequence and reduces total installation time. It provides a rigid structure, which minimizes hot work within the tower without any reduction in the tray bubbling area. 

This column is suitable for packed tower revamps involving trays when:

  • Changing number of flow passes
  • Increasing or decreasing tray spacing
  • Changing tray orientation
  • Converting packed tower to trays

Expansion rings are used to provide support for the trays where there is no existing welded support ring.  The expansion rings can be leveled even when existing tray support rings are significantly out of level. The continuous vertical columns provide a more leak-resistant connection to the downcomer.

a close-up of a metal device

DEMISTER-PLUS Mist Eliminator

DEMISTER-PLUS mist eliminators from Koch-Glitsch can help minimize the size and weight of new vessels or allow additional throughput for existing vessels.

The advanced engineered design of the two-stage DEMISTER-PLUS mist eliminator is often used to minimize the size and weight of new vessels or to allow additional throughput capacity for existing vessels. DEMISTER-PLUS mist eliminators can be used in both horizontal and vertical flow configurations. 

The well-proven design combines the efficiency of the DEMISTER® mist eliminator with the high throughput capacity of the FLEXICHEVRON® mist eliminator or CYCLONE mist eliminator.

In new plant construction, DEMISTER-PLUS designs can reduce vessel diameter by 25 to 40 percent, which can reduce vessel weight by 50 to 75 percent.  

In revamp situations, significant capacity gains can be achieved depending on the existing vessel geometry. Koch-Glitsch designs include OMNI-FIT® technology, which can eliminate welding to the vessel shell. 

a close-up of a wire mesh

DEMISTER® Mist Eliminator (High Capacity Style)

Koch-Glitsch provides DEMISTER® mist eliminators that deliver high collection efficiency and low pressure drop, available in a range of metals and plastics.

High-capacity DEMISTER mist eliminators from Koch-Glitsch take advantage of our improved knowledge of the way internal wire geometry affects capacity and performance. Compared to traditional DEMISTER mist eliminators, high-capacity styles from Koch-Glitsch can provide 20 percent (or more) design capacity, lower pressure drop, higher efficiency, and equal or better fouling resistance.  

Available in virtually any size or shape in a wide range of metals and plastics, the DEMISTER mist eliminator is easy to install. Emergency delivery is available.

a close-up of a air filter

DEMISTER® Mist Eliminator (Traditional Style)

Koch-Glitsch provides DEMISTER® mist eliminators that deliver high collection efficiency and low pressure drop, available in a range of metals and plastics.

When vessel size is not set by the mist eliminator design, the practical starting point is often the knitted wire mesh pad mist eliminator.  

As a leading mist eliminator manufacturer, traditional style DEMISTER mist eliminators from Koch-Glitsch provide high collection efficiency and low pressure drop. Based on years of in-plant performance, Koch-Glitsch engineers can select from a wide variety of mesh styles to meet customer efficiency requirements.  

a stack of black plastic objects

ETAPAK Random Packing

Koch-Glitsch ETAPAK random packing is designed for superior biological filtration and enhances biological activity, liquid distribution and oxygen transfer.

The size and shape of ETAPAK random packing is designed for superior biological filtration. The maximum exposed surface area allows growth of microorganisms and enhances biological activity, liquid distribution, oxygen transfer, and low sludge production. The open nature of the packing and high void radius ensures flow patterns that allow continual contact between effluent, biomass, and circulating air. The open area enhances sloughing characteristics and minimizes potential blockages.

a close-up of several metal pieces

FLEXICHEVRON® for Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD)

FLEXICHEVRON® mist eliminators offer enhanced fouling resistance and are a cost-effective solution for collecting particles in the 8 to 40 microns range.

Koch-Glitsch designs and manufactures a variety of products for flue gas desulfurization (FGD) applications. Based on Koch-Glitsch’s extensive industry experience and knowledge, these designs focus on mechanical integrity.


  • Resistant to fouling
  • Low pressure drop
  • Dependable and easy to clean
several different types of metal

FLEXICHEVRON® Mist Eliminator (Conventional)

FLEXICHEVRON® mist eliminators offer enhanced fouling resistance and are a cost-effective solution for collecting particles in the 8 to 40 microns range.

When your application requires higher capacity or enhanced fouling resistance, the FLEXICHEVRON mist eliminator could be the most cost-effective overall solution. Manufactured in virtually any size from a wide range of metals, thermal-set plastics, and fiber-reinforced plastic (FRP), a wide variety of styles can be designed and fabricated based on your application and specifications.

FLEXICHEVRON mist eliminators provide open channels that minimize plugging and smooth surfaces to promote drainage. In addition, this type of mist eliminator design will handle high liquid loads and provide effective removal efficiency with minimal pressure drop. FLEXICHEVRON mist eliminators can be tailored for either vertical (upward) or horizontal flow installation.   

Product Benefits

  • Ideal for fouling applications 
  • Lowest pressure drop of any type mist eliminator 
  • Good turndown characteristics 
a metal plate with zigzag pattern

FLEXICHEVRON® Mist Eliminator (High Capacity)

FLEXICHEVRON® mist eliminators offer enhanced fouling resistance and are a cost-effective solution for collecting particles in the 8 to 40 microns range.

The higher-capacity FLEXICHEVRON® style 250 and 350 mist eliminator designs incorporate drainage channels to prevent re-entrainment at higher throughput capacity. This results in more efficient mist removal, especially at higher pressures where the allowable velocity decreases with the increasing gas density.

Product Benefits

  • Engineered to fit any vessel shape 
  • Maintain efficiency at high pressures 
  • Allow reduced vessel sizes and weights 
several different types of air filter

FLEXICHEVRON® Style VIII Mist Eliminator

FLEXICHEVRON® mist eliminators offer enhanced fouling resistance and are a cost-effective solution for collecting particles in the 8 to 40 microns range.

Style VIII mist eliminators are characterized by rugged construction and low moisture carryover. They can be used in either vertical or horizontal gas flow in either a single stage or multi-stage application.

Materials of construction

  • Stainless steel
  • Metal alloys (wide variety)
  • Fiberglass
  • Noryl
  • Polysulfone
  • Polypropylene

Product Benefits

  • Resistant to fouling
  • Easy to clean
  • Low pressure drop
  • Dependable
a close-up of several black and white plastic

FLEXICHEVRON® Style XXVII Mist Eliminator

FLEXICHEVRON® mist eliminators offer enhanced fouling resistance and are a cost-effective solution for collecting particles in the 8 to 40 microns range.

Style XXVII can be a single or multi-stage application. It used used for vertical vapor flow.

This design of mist eliminator works well as replacement equipment because retrofitting existing absorbers is a simple process that uses the existing mist eliminator support network.

Materials of construction

  • Polypropylene

Product Benefits

  • Excellent efficiency and strength
  • Economical
several different types of air filter

FLEXIFIBER® Mist Eliminator

FLEXIFIBER® mist eliminators from Koch-Glitsch provide the highest removal efficiency of sub-micron mists and can help reduce visible stack gas plumes.

Constructed of special media contained between two concentric or flat parallel screens, FLEXIFIBER mist eliminators reduce visible stack gas plumes. For the Koch-Glitsch line of mist elimination products, the FLEXIFIBER mist eliminator provides the highest removal efficiency of sub-micron mists.

Koch-Glitsch offers multiple types of FLEXIFIBER mist eliminators which use the following separation mechanisms:

  • Brownian Diffusion (Type BD) 
  • Impaction Cylinder (Type IC) 
  • Impaction Panel (Type IP) 


Each FLEXIFIBER mist eliminator solution from Koch-Glitsch is engineered and fabricated to the application and specifications: 

  • Cages available in multiple metals, plastics, and FRP 
  • Packing media produced in glass, plastics, and carbon  
  • Skid-mounted units are also available 
a close-up of a roll of paper

FLEXIFIBER® Type BD (Brownian Diffusion) Mist Eliminator

FLEXIFIBER® type BD mist eliminators from Koch-Glitsch use Brownian Diffusion to achieve high collection efficiencies for submicron liquid particles.

High collection efficiency on submicron liquid particles; low to moderate pressure drop 

The FLEXIFIBER type BD element uses the Brownian Diffusion mechanism to achieve collection efficiencies of up to 99.95% or higher on all submicron liquid particles down to 0.1 microns. Operating pressure drops are normally designed in the range of 50 to 500 mm (2-20 in) W.G.  

An interesting feature of the FLEXIFIBER Type BD mist eliminator is that, with submicron particles, the collection efficiency actually increases as the gas flow rate decreases through the bed. Increasing residence time in the fiberbed optimizes Brownian movement. 

Type BD elements are cylindrical in shape and are available in a wide variety of materials. The Type BD element with carbon fiber media is recommended if your application contains flourides, a high PH, or is subjected to steam. This will help increase the life expectancy of the element compared to glass fiber media.  

FLEXIFIBER type BD-LdP (low pressure drop) has increased submicron particle collection efficiency with reduced pressure drop compared to conventional fiberbed technology. Because fiberbeds can consume large amounts of energy (such as in chlorine and sulfuric acid production trains), increased efficiency and reduced pressure drop provide significant reductions in operating costs. This technology brings benefits to any process in the forms of decreased investment, lower operating costs, and improved plant performance.  

How it works 
Brownian Diffusion occurs with extremely small droplets that randomly move from side to side, not directly following the path of the gas stream. Typically, the smaller the particle, the greater the Brownian movement. 

Product Benefits

  • Reduce or eliminate visible stack gas plumes 
  • Provide unlimited turndown from design capacity 
  • Achieve guaranteed pressure drop as low as 1.5 in [40 mm] W.G. 
  • Interchangeable with existing fiberbed equipment 
  • High-efficiency capture of submicron mist particles
several different types of air filter

FLEXIFIBER® Type IC (Impaction Cylinder) Mist Eliminator

FLEXIFIBER® type IC mist eliminators from Koch-Glitsch use impaction to economically and efficiently capture liquid particles in the 1 to 3 microns range.

Economically capture liquid particles in the 1 to 3 microns range 

Primarily utilizing the impaction mechanism, FLEXIFIBER type IC fiberbeds are designed to economically capture liquid droplets in the 1 to 3 microns range. Collection efficiencies at 1 micron will vary from 90% on liquid mists with a specific gravity of 1.0 to 97% on liquid mists with a specific gravity to 1.8. Operating pressure drops are typically in the range of 100-250 mm (4-10 in) W.G.  

In addition to the standard FLEXIFIBER type IC elements, Koch-Glitsch also offers FLEXIFIBER types IC-K, IC-KLF, and IC-M mist eliminators.  

Type IC-K is a low pressure drop, high capacity mist eliminator. It is typically used in applications where frequent washing of the element is necessary, whether it be soluble and insoluble solids. An example of this type of application is sulfate buildup in air drying towers at sulfuric acid plants.  

Type IC-KLF and type ICK combine our knitted wire mesh and fiberbed technologies to produce extended life mist eliminators that are less inclined to foul with solids. This provides energy savings and longer run lengths in critical services, such as sulfuric acid drying towers.  

Type IC-M is an element that uses a primary layer of glass fibers and secondary layer of knitted wire mesh that offers high efficiency and high capacity, i.e. protection against liquid carryover.  

How it works 

Inertial impaction occurs where the mass of the droplet is large enough that it typically cannot follow the path of the gas stream and impacts directly on the target.  

Product Benefits

  • High collection efficiency combined with good fouling resistance 
several different types of air filter

FLEXIFIBER® Type IP (Impaction Panel) Mist Eliminator

FLEXIFIBER® type IP mist eliminators from Koch-Glitsch use impaction to remove entrainment from vapor and capture liquid particles in the 1 to 3 microns range.

Economically capture liquid particles in the 1 to 3 microns range. 

FLEXIFIBER type IP mist eliminators primarily use the impaction mechanism to remove entrainment from vapor. Collection efficiencies on 98% sulfuric acid mist are essentially 100% on all particles greater than 3 microns, 85 to 97% on all particles 1 to 3 microns and 50 to 85% on 0.5 to 1.0 microns. Operating pressure drops are normally 125 to 180 mm (5 to 7 in) W.G. 

Elements are normally rectangular in shape and are available in various metals, typically metal frames and glass fiber media.  

Type IP fiberbeds are most commonly used in sulfuric acid plants. 

How it works 

Inertial impaction occurs where the mass of the droplet is large enough that it typically cannot follow the path of the gas stream and impacts directly on the target.  

Product Benefits

  • High efficiency 
  • Compact design 
a close-up of a rack

FLEXIGRID® and GLITSCH GRID® Severe Service Grid Packing

FLEXIGRID® severe service grid packing from Koch-Glitsch is designed to provide reliable operation in severe services susceptible to fouling, erosion, and coking.

FLEXIGRID and GLITSCH GRID® severe services grid packings are specifically designed to provide reliable operation in severe services that are susceptible to fouling, erosion, coking, and high solids content.

FLEXIGRID Style 2 severe service grid packing is optimized for high capacity, low liquid holdup, and minimum pressure drop.

FLEXIGRID Style 3 severe service grid packing provides improved efficiency because it has a larger projected area perpendicular to the gas flow (causing higher localized vapor velocities).

GLITSCH GRID® severe service grid packing was one of the first grid packings ever applied and is still widely used in refineries around the world.

a close-up of a metal tray

FLEXILOCK® Tray Construction

Koch-Glitsch FLEXILOCK® tray construction improves valve coverage while reducing hardware requirements and the potential for errors during installation.

This patented tray joint allows rapid installation of tray panels in vessel shops or in the field. FLEXILOCK tray construction eliminates the requirement for hardware between adjacent tray panels and reduces the potential for errors during installation. FLEXILOCK tray construction is the primary building block of the HORIZON® technology.

  • Reduce hardware requirements
  • Improve valve coverage
  • Provide error-free deck installation
  • Dramatically reduce installation time
  • Strengthen joint and uplift tolerance
  • Promote in-shop installations
  • Cancel vibration-induced panel shifting

FLEXIPAC® CP™ Structured Packing

FLEXIPAC® CP™ structured packing sets a new standard in post-combustion carbon capture, offering up to 65% reduction in pressure drop compared to traditional structured packings. Its advanced design delivers increased capacity without compromising efficiency, ensuring optimal performance for a wide range of applications.

FLEXIPAC CP structured packing provides a pressure drop reduction of up to 65% compared to existing structured packings used in post-combustion carbon capture service along with an increase in capacity. The low pressure drop and high-capacity of FLEXIPAC® CP™ structured packing:

  • Allows for reduced column diameters
  • Reduced energy consumption for the blower
  • Higher throughput
  • Smaller diameter allows for less total solvent required
  • Smaller diameter allows for less structured packing volume and brick quantity for shorter installation

While increasing the crimp size of structured packings can offer reduced pressure drop and higher capacity, there is a trade-off of lower efficiency and increased packing height. With FLEXIPAC CP structured packing, this lower pressure drop and capacity is achieved without lower efficiency. The optimization of FLEXIPAC® CP™ structured packing for carbon capture actually improves its efficiency compared to existing X-crimp structured packings in addition to the lower pressure drop and higher capacity. This allows for a packing height reduction or reduced operating expenses due to lower recirculation and regeneration requirements with the same packed height. The improved efficiency of FLEXIPAC CP structured packing:

  • Allows for reduced column height
  • Reduced overall pressure drop due to less packed height
  • Smaller packed height allows for less structured packing volume and brick quantity for shorter installation
  • Higher capture efficiency for same packed height
  • Reduced solvent recirculation and regeneration for same packed height
a close-up of a metal plate

FLEXIPAC® HC® Structured Packing

FLEXIPAC® HC® structured packing from Koch-Glitsch combines excellent capacity and efficiency characteristics with a low pressure drop.

FLEXIPAC HC structured packing has been used in thousands of columns to increase capacity and reduce pressure drop for new construction and for replacing standard sheet metal structured packings, conventional random packings, and trays.

FLEXIPAC HC structured packing combines excellent capacity and efficiency characteristics with a lower pressure drop per theoretical stage. It is the preferred packing for vacuum distillation applications.

Similar in construction to FLEXIPAC packing, FLEXIPAC HC packing has a modification in the geometry of the corrugation at the top and bottom for each packing layer. The change in geometry:

  • Eliminates the abrupt change in flow direction of the liquid and vapor phases at the packing layer interface
  • Eliminates the premature build-up of liquid
  • Helps maintain the low pressure drop characteristics of structured packing throughout the efficient operating range of the packing


The advantages of FLEXIPAC HC packing are particularly strong for smaller corrugation crimp size, higher surface area packings.

a close-up of a metal surface

FLEXIPAC® S Structured Packing

FLEXIPAC® S structured packing uses a smooth metal packing surface, eliminating the small areas where fouling material can accumulate.

FLEXIPAC S structured packing uses a smooth metal packing surface as opposed to conventional FLEXIPAC packing, which can employ various surface textures. The removal of the surface texturing eliminates the small areas on the packing surface where fouling material can accumulate.

FLEXIPAC S packing is suitable for moderately fouling applications but does not provide the same reliability and fouling protection as the PROFLUX® severe service grid, FLEXIGRID® and GLITSCH GRID® packing product lines.

FLEXIPAC S structured packing is available in heavier gauge material than conventional FLEXIPAC packing to provide improved corrosion and/or erosion resistance.

a close-up of a fabric

FLEXIPAC® Structured Packing

FLEXIPAC® structured packing from Koch-Glitsch is available in multiple materials, from stainless steel to high alloys, and is used in a variety of applications.

FLEXIPAC structured packing is used for large crimp sizes where the addition of high-capacity features has little effect and for the replacement of standard structured packings where an exact duplicate is required. Available in multiple materials from traditional stainless steel to high alloys, modern duplex steel and exotic materials such as titanium and zirconium, FLEXIPAC structured packing is applied in a wide variety of applications.

a black and silver metal object

FLEXIPEAK Mist Eliminator

FLEXIPEAK mist eliminators from Koch-Glitsch provide high capacity while maintaining efficiency and pressure drop, and are available in metals or plastics.

The patented design of the FLEXIPEAK mist eliminator provides high capacity while maintaining both high efficiency and low pressure drop. Available in metals and plastics, the FLEXIPEAK mist eliminator is easy to install and maintain. The FLEXIPEAK mist eliminator design incorporates several mechanical features to extend operating life span.


  • Excellent capacity
  • Low pressure drop
  • Liquid removal characteristics
a group of metal objects

FLEXIPRO® Fixed Valve

FLEXIPRO® fixed valves from Koch-Glitsch exceed the performance of similar fixed valves, with increased tray efficiency, high capacity, and a higher turndown ratio.

The FLEXIPRO® fixed valve exceeds the performance of similar fixed valves:  

  • Increased tray efficiency  
    • Can result in reduced reboiler duty or increased throughput at same reboiler and condenser duties 
  • Higher capacity 
    • Can result in higher throughput; check for sufficient reboiler and condenser capacities 
  • Higher turndown ratio with no increase in pressure drop 
    • Provides more flexibility at stable operating conditions without loss of tray efficiency  
  • Enhanced push and sweeping effect over the tray deck to remove solid deposits  
    • Mitigates the risk of fouling and achieves longer run lengths 
a group of metal objects

FLEXIPRO® Fixed Valve Tray

With a wide operating range, Koch-Glitsch FLEXIPRO® fixed valve trays feature a specially shaped deck orifice to reduce pressure drop and delay weeping.

The wider operating range of the FLEXIPRO fixed valve tray with enhanced capacity and efficiency opens new opportunities for revamps and new vessels. FLEXIPRO fixed valve trays extend the operating range of fixed valves to levels close to that of movable valves, while maintaining the performance and reliability of fixed valves. The result is a fixed valve tray that offers increased efficiency and capacity, enhanced push and sweeping of the tray deck, superior fouling resistance, and a higher turndown ratio with no increase in pressure drop.

a close-up of a metal cap

FLEXIPRO® Floating Valve

The FLEXIPRO® floating valve incorporates anti-fouling features and mechanical design that prevents rotation.

  • Up to 30% Higher capacity than conventional floating valve trays 
    • Can result in higher throughput or smaller tower diameters for grassroots designs; check for sufficient reboiler and condenser capacities  
  • Wide operating range with no increase in pressure drop, up to 9:1 turndown for 1-pass trays at 24” spacing 
    • Provides more flexibility at stable operating conditions without loss of tray efficiency   
  • Higher tray efficiency across operating range 
    • Can result in reduced reboiler duty or increased throughput at same reboiler and condenser duties  
  • Incorporates anti-fouling features and mechanical design that prevents rotation
    • Mitigates the risk of fouling and wear and achieves longer run lengths  
close-up of a metal object

FLEXIPRO® Floating Valve Tray

The FLEXIPRO® Floating Valve Tray provides up to 30% more capacity than conventional floating valve trays.

• Extended operating range with high efficiency – up to 9:1 turndown 
• Anti-fouling features increase reliability  

The FLEXIPRO Floating Valve Tray, the latest innovation from Koch-Glitsch, is a versatile, high-performance solution for distillation and absorption applications. The tray features a patented directional floating valve designed with a downwardly coined edge above an upwardly extruded deck opening. 

Conventional valves allow the vapor to exit with an upwardly angled trajectory. By creating a downward angle to the exiting vapor, FLEXIPRO Floating Valve Tray gives plant operators higher efficiency, increased capacity, and improved reliability over a wider operating range. 

several white plastic objects

FLEXIRING® Random Packing

FLEXIRING® random packing from Koch-Glitsch is favored by designers and industries needing the corrosion resistance of quality plastic construction.

FLEXIRING random packing is favored by designers and industries that prefer metal FLEXIRING packing and other metal packings but now need the corrosion resistance of the plastic construction. Although this packing does not have the "high performance" characteristics of INTALOX® SNOWFLAKE®  or BETA RING® random packings, it has been used extensively in corrosive services. Further, it is less sensitive to liquid distribution quality and has higher liquid hold-up and residence time for those services that benefit from such characteristics.

several metal objects with holes

FLEXIRING® Random Packing

Koch-Glitsch FLEXIRING® random packing is an economical and versatile industry standard that offers well-known performance characteristics.

Pall ring random packing is still widely used today. It is specified in a number of licensed processes and has been tested by various researchers over the years. FLEXIRING® packing from Koch-Glitsch is the industry-recognized Pall ring packing equivalent. Koch-Glitsch offers a unique high-strength FLEXIRING® packing, with lower weight and improved mechanical strength, which provides an alternative to the 2-inch FLEXIRING® packing. The mechanical strength of the high-strength FLEXIRING® packing is attained through its engineered shape.

a close-up of a metal surface


Koch-Glitsch FLEXITRAY® valve trays are versatile and cost-effective, combining excellent capacity and efficiency for a wide operating range.

FLEXITRAY valve trays combine high capacity and excellent efficiency with a wide operating range. Using proprietary design techniques and the wide range of valve types available for FLEXITRAY valve trays, design engineers at Koch-Glitsch have the knowledge and experience to assist you in optimizing performance for your application. 

With Koch-Glitsch’s technical expertise in design, manufacturing, and installation, a well-designed FLEXITRAY valve tray generally provides the most economically attractive solution for grassroots column construction projects.

Product Benefits

  • Uniform vapor distribution
  • Wide operating range
  • Higher capacity and low pressure drop
  • Cost effective 
  • Versatile 


a close-up of a roll of fabric

GOODLOE® Mesh Structured Packing

GOODLOE® mesh structured packing from Koch-Glitsch provides high mass transfer efficiency as a knitted wire structured packing solution.

Provides high mass transfer efficiency as a knitted wire structured packing.

GOODLOE mesh structured packing can generate HETP (height equivalent to a theoretical plate) values as low as 2 inches [50 mm] in pilot columns, and values of 3 inches [75 mm] in production columns. These high efficiencies are possible because of the high ratio of surface-area-to-volume inherent in the GOODLOE mesh structured packing design.

GOODLOE mesh structured packing is produced by knitting multiple fine metallic filaments that are then surface textured and either spiral wound or layered into elements for insertion into the tower. The open structure creates multiple twisting paths for the vapor to travel while providing a high-void fraction that minimizes pressure drop. At the same time, the inherent capillary action of the fine wires causes the liquid to spread into thin films that continuously combine and divide for optimum mixing and contact with the vapor throughout the entire packing volume. The peripheral compression feature of the packing construction assures firm contact with the tower wall, minimizing the possibility of vapor bypassing or liquid channeling. The net result is a packing with high mass transfer efficiency and low pressure drop.

GOODLOE mesh structured packing is manufactured in several different styles depending on efficiency and pressure drop requirements.

It is available in 300 and 400 series stainless steel, nickel-based alloys, titanium and many other alloys.

a red letter h with black text

HORIZON® Technology

HORIZON® technology from Koch-Glitsch is a set of mechanical construction techniques developed specifically for in-shop tray installations.

HORIZON technology is a set of mechanical construction techniques developed specifically for in-shop installation of trays with the vessel in the horizontal position. The mechanical features incorporated in each design is determined based on the mass transfer equipment and the installation/transportation requirements for each individual project.

HORIZON technology reduces the potential for problems that occur when conventionally designed trays are installed in horizontal columns, such as:

  • Inefficient installation sequencing
  • Part deforming/breaking
  • Panel shifting
  • Joint dislodging
a metal object with holes

HY-PAK® Random Packing

HY-PAK® random packing from Koch-Glitsch is an improved alternative to FLEXRING® and Pall-type packings, offering increased capacity and reduced pressure drop.

An improved alternative to FLEXIRING or Pall-type ring packing.
An improvement to the FLEXIRING packing geometry is in the HY-PAK® random packing, introduced to the market in the late 1960s. Maintaining a 1:1 aspect ratio, the number of fingers were doubled. The mechanical strength was enhanced through the introduction of circumferential stiffening ribs. The new geometry allowed the rings to be made slightly larger, effectively providing a new packing with increased capacity, reduced pressure drop, and no noticeable reduction in efficiency. HY-PAK packing is widely used as a direct replacement for FLEXIRING or Pall ring random packings of equivalent size in many applications to gain capacity or reduce pressure drop.

a close-up of a metal object

IMTP® Random Packing

IMTP® random packing from Koch-Glitsch combines the advantages of saddle-shaped packings with modern high-performance ring-type packings.

Provides low pressure drop and high efficiency.
Developed in the late 1970s, IMTP® random packing combines the advantages of the saddle shape packing with that of modern high-performance ring-type packings. The inherent shape provides a lower pressure drop at the same vapor and liquid loads compared to previous-generation packings. IMTP random packing has been applied in numerous distillation and absorption columns around the world. For demanding applications, combining IMTP random packing with state-of-the-art INTALOX® Packed Tower Systems column internals is recommended.

a stack of cardboard boxes

INTALOX® High-Capacity Structured Packing

INTALOX® high-capacity structured packing from Koch-Glitsch provides a combination of excellent capacity and efficiency compared to other structured packings.

The higher capacity of INTALOX structured packing is delivered by a combination of:

  • An aggressively textured surface
  • Corrugation reversals in each packing layer
  • Other proprietary geometric features


INTALOX structured packing is successfully used in a variety of high-liquid-rate, high-pressure systems in addition to the usual applications in vacuum and atmospheric processes. The aggressive surface texture of INTALOX structured packing provides excellent surface wetting, making it a preferred packing in aqueous distillation applications. The unique physical characteristics of INTALOX structured packing show their advantage in the larger corrugation crimp sizes by providing:

  • Superior efficiency compared to other structured packings of similar surface area
  • Excellent capacity and pressure drop characteristics
a logo for a company

INTALOX® Packed Tower Systems Technology

INTALOX® Packed Tower Systems technology from Koch-Glitsch combines high-performance packing with state-of-the-art equipment for reliable column operation.

When high-performance tower packings were introduced in the 1970s and 1980s, the design deficiencies of the distributors available at the time became very apparent. In response, Koch-Glitsch developed distributors with features that corrected those deficiencies. As continued improvements have been developed for the random and structured packings, additional features have been incorporated into the INTALOX high-performance distributors to take full advantage of these increased efficiency and capacity capabilities.  

a circular white object with lines in it

INTALOX® SNOWFLAKE® High-Performance Packing

INTALOX® SNOWFLAKE® high-performance random packing from Koch-Glitsch offer the lowest pressure drop of any Koch-Glitsch plastic random packing.

INTALOX SNOWFLAKE high-performance random packing provides the lowest pressure drop of any Koch-Glitsch plastic random packing. Lower pressure drop reduces energy consumption in applications requiring blowers or compressors and has been shown to save up to 50% in energy costs compared to #1 plastic saddle.  

For low liquid rate designs, INTALOX SNOWFLAKE high-performance random packing provides exceptional efficiency while allowing for additional capacity for high-liquid-rate designs. In both applications, these benefits can provide a reduction in vessel size. The mechanically robust shape allows for a further reduction in vessel height by allowing deeper bed depths.

a metal spiraled object on a white background

INTALOX® ULTRA Random Packing

INTALOX® ULTRA high-performance random packing from Koch-Glitsch offers increased capacity and efficiency with lower pressure drop and high mechanical strength.

The new industry standard with thousands of successful installations worldwide.

INTALOX ULTRA high-performance random packing can help increase the capacity of any random packing tower by up to 10% while maintaining the same efficiency compared to previous high-capacity random packings, such as IMTP random packing. With older-generation random packings, the benefits may be greater. The low pressure drop and high capacity of this packing offers:

  • Increased capacity without loss of efficiency
  • Increased efficiency without loss of capacity
  • Lower pressure drop which minimizes foaming
  • Minimized liquid carryover and solvent losses
  • Reduced reflux and energy consumption
  • High mechanical strength

INTALOX ULTRA high-performance random packing can add value to your operations by providing the following benefits:

  • Increased capacity and lower pressure drop
    • Reduces foaming tendency with lower pressure drop compared to similar-sized packings
    • Increases throughput without loss of efficiency compared to similar-sized packings
    • Reduces carryover and solvent losses with high vapor-handling capacity
    • Increases design capacity after vessel purchase without increasing vessel size
    • Reduces vessel diameter and thickness in high-pressure applications, resulting in a significantly lighter vessel
  • Higher efficiency
    • Provides more efficiency without loss of capacity when revamping with the next smaller size packing
    • Reduces reboiler/condenser duty and energy consumption when revamping with similar-sized packing
    • Reduces vessel height compared to designs with similar-sized packings
    • Reduces stripping load compared to designs with similar-sized packings
  • High mechanical strength
    • Integral stiffening ribs and flanges provides high strength-to-weight ratio
    • Low weight permits greater allowable bed depth
a transparent cylinder with a couple of holes


Koch-Glitsch provides a full line of feed devices, turbulence isolation plates, media housings, sand fluidization systems and product baffle systems.

A key to optimal separation is combining the correct separation media with the appropriate internals. Choosing the correct internals provides uniform distribution to the separation media. The exact combination is selected based on the specific application requirements.  

 Koch-Glitsch provides a full line of feed devices, turbulence isolation plates, media housings, sand fluidization systems, and product baffle systems for the design of an overall optimal separation package.  

For revamps of existing vessels, Koch-Glitsch designs include OMNI-FIT® technology, which can eliminate welding to the vessel shell.   

a close-up of a metal grid

KATAMAX® Reactive Distillation Structured Packing

KATAMAX® reactive distillation structured packing from Koch-Glitsch offers excellent mass transfer and heat transfer characteristics for a range of applications.

KATAMAX reactive distillation structured packing represents a unique and proprietary approach to expose a solid catalyst to a reacting liquid stream. The Koch-Glitsch structured packing has excellent mass and heat transfer characteristics that result from its structure that holds the catalyst in a screen envelope while allowing it to be accessed by the liquid. The catalyst for each application is supplied as specified. 

a close-up of a circular object

KFBE Fluidized Bed Structured Packing

For demanding gas-solid fluidized bed systems, KFBE fluidized bed structured packing from Koch-Glitsch enhances gas-solid contact without restricting flow.

Designed for the demanding needs of gas-solid fluidized bed systems, KFBE structured packing enhances gas-solid contact without restricting flow or allowing solids stagnation. The rugged metal plates turn and break up the catalyst, promoting uniform fluidization and slow, uniform descent of catalyst through the stripper. As steam rises in small turbulent bubbles, hydrocarbon is efficiently stripped. The durable construction of this fluidized bed structured packing is not susceptible to mechanical failure, and the open design resists coking. 

Although FCC catalyst stripping is the largest use of KFBE structured packing, the structured packing is also used in other services that need stripping/replacement of the fluidizing gas in a granular fluidized catalyst.  

KFBE structured packing is supplied in layers that are contoured to fit any vessel configuration or packed column design. Each layer is comprised of packing blocks that fit through vessel manways. Designs account for out-of-round tolerance on vessels as well as for thermal expansion.  

KFBE fluidized bed structured packing has these favorable features, compared to disc-and-donut or baffle/shed trays: 

  • Maximizes available capacity for catalyst and vapor flow 
    • Uses 95% of the vessel volume for process flow 
    • High process rates do not also mean local high, erosive velocities 
  • Maximizes uniform residence time 
    • Eliminates empty zones and stagnant zones of catalyst de-aeration 
    • Provides slow and uniform descent of catalyst through the stripper 
  • Improves stripping efficiency 
    • Provides maximum catalyst residence time with low catalyst velocity 
    • Improves contact through smaller bubble size 
    • Reduces channeling and bypassing 
  • Reduces erosion 
    • No pinch points of high velocity 
    • Low local velocities throughout entire bed 
  • Easy to install and maintain 
    • Weld-in supports and hold-down shell attachments are needed at top and bottom only 
    • Weld-in supports and hold-down shell attachments are permanent; the structured packing and its supports/hold-down grids are removable and replaceable 
    • Removable parts can be installed and removed quickly (for inspection or replacement) 

KY-FIBER Liquid-Liquid Coalescing Media

Koch-Glitsch KY-FIBER media is a high-efficiency product specially designed for the separation of fine dispersions of one liquid phase from another.

KY-FIBER media is a high efficiency product specially designed for separation of fine dispersions of one liquid phase from another.  Depending on chemical compatibility and wettability, these elements incorporate glass fiber, carbon or plastic fiber which is positioned between concentric screens in a metal or plastic cage.
Similar to the FLEXIFIBER® mist eliminator, these elements are installed via mounting flange onto a tube sheet contained in the separator.  The liquid phases are forced to flow radially through the media, which coalesces the small droplets in the dispersed phase for separation from the continuous liquid phase.

The performance characteristics of KY-FIBER media make it a good fit for dispersions that create a hazy appearance.  Typically, these dispersions are tough to separate with long settling times or conventional media.  KY-FIBER media is not recommended for fouling services.

a close-up of a metal object

KY-FLEX® Liquid-Liquid Settling Media

KY-FLEX® liquid-liquid coalescing media provides superior collection and drainage channels for liquids and solids and comes in a variety of shapes/spacings.

Droplet dispersions require extensive settling when they must travel long distances to the coalescing unit. Liquid-liquid coalescer units uses enhanced gravity settling to allow increased throughput capacity and improve product purity. Enhanced gravity settling minimizes the turbulence effect by dividing the stream into multiple channels. 

KY-FLEX liquid-liquid coalescing units provides superior collection and drainage channels for liquids and solids. A variety of corrugation shapes and spacings are available to optimize the fouling resistance and efficiency to the needs of each process. 

several rolls of fabric

KY-MESH Liquid-Liquid Coalescing Media

KY-MESH liquid-liquid coalescing media consists of mixtures of metal and non-metallic wires and fibers engineered for the specific chemicals involved.

Applications with smaller droplets that settle very slowly or not at all present a significant challenge. Solutions focus on increasing the size of the droplets so they will quickly separate by gravity settling to minimize vessel length. 

KY-MESH liquid-liquid coalescers consist of mixtures of metal and non-metallic wires and fibers and are engineered for the properties of the specific chemicals involved. The internal geometry promotes growth of the droplet size and maximizes liquid throughput velocities for minimum vessel diameters. 

a circular metal drain cover


MINIVALVE® trays produced by Koch-Glitsch produce reduced entrainment and better efficiency than conventional valve and sieve tray designs.

The MINIVALVE® trays produce reduced entrainment and better efficiency than conventional valve tray design and sieve trays. The improvement in capacity can exceed 13% in spray regime services with low-to-moderate weir loadings. MINIVALVE® valves exhibit a more uniform froth action on the tray deck compared to full-size valves. They are offered in both fixed (VG-0) and movable (MV-1) styles. 

MINIVALVE® valves are directional with the rear leg being a little wider than the downstream front leg. This gives a slight pushing action to the liquid as vapor passes through the valves. The liquid push assists in maintaining a more uniform flow pattern on cross-flow trays with less retrograde action. It also helps offset vapor cross-flow channeling effects to a small degree. 

a circular metal object with holes

Model 106/107 Pan Distributor

The Koch-Glitsch Model 106/107 pan distributor features a deck level orifice and is deal for liquid rates 2-80 gpm/ft2 and tower diameters 0.5-3 feet.

  • Metering device: Deck level orifice
  • Liquid rates: 2-80 gpm/ft2 [5-195 m3/h/m2]
  • Tower Diameter: 0.5 ft to 3 ft [150-900 mm]
  • Support Features: Wall clips or body flange mount
  • Redistribution: Vapor riser covers and wall wiper (Model 107) 

Standard design Features

  • 2:1 turndown ratio
  • Gasket material supplied as specified
  • Small rectangular risers maintain good vapor distribution
  • Additional vapor passage between distributor and tower wall
  • Good liquid cross-flow

Optional design Features

  • Drip tubes for increased operating range and fouling resistance
  • Guide tubes below deck separate liquid from high-velocity vapor near risers
  • Anti-migration device at base of vapor riser replaces separate bed limiter
a circular object with many small black objects

Model 116/117 Deck Distributor

The Koch-Glitsch Model 116/117 deck distributor features a deck level orifice and is ideal for liquid rates 4-80 gpm/ft2 and tower diameters 1.5-20 feet.

  • Metering device: Deck level orifice
  • Liquid rates: 4-80 gpm/ft2 [10-195 m3/h/m2]
  • Tower Diameter: 1.5 ft to 20 ft [450-6100 mm]
  • Support Features: Full-circumference tower ledge
  • Redistribution: Vapor riser covers (Model 117)

Standard Features

  • 2:1 turndown ratio
  • Gasket material supplied as specified
  • Small rectangular risers maintain good vapor distribution
  • Good liquid cross-flow

Optional Features

  • Drip tubes for increased operating range and fouling resistance
  • Guide tubes below deck segregate liquid from high-velocity vapor near risers
  • Anti-migration device at base of vapor riser replaces separate bed limiter
a close-up of a machine

Model 119 Feed Pipe

The Koch-Glitsch Model 119 feed pipe has no tower diameter restriction and is available in T or H configurations for higher rates.

  • Tower Diameter: No restriction
  • Support Features: Wall clips or beams

Standard Features

  • Turndown ratio is determined based on the internal which the feed pipe is feeding
  • Gasket material supplied as specified
  • T or H configuration for higher rates
  • Liquid phase only
  • Restriction orifices maintain equalized flow to each branch
  • Guide pipes prevent horizontal liquid velocity vector

Optional Features

  • Diffuser plates below guide pipes to dissipate liquid kinetic energy
a close-up of a metal grate

Model 136/137 Channel Distributor

The Koch-Glitsch Model 136/137 channel distributor features channel wall orifices and is ideal for liquid rates 0.3-15 gpm/ft2 and tower diameters 3+ feet.

  • Metering device: Channel wall orifices with guide tubes
  • Liquid rates: 0.3-15 gpm/ft2 [0.7-37 m3/h/m2]
  • Tower Diameter: 3 ft [900 mm] and larger
  • Support Features: Full-circumference ring or beams
  • Redistribution: Covers between channels and wall wiper (Model 137)

Standard Features

  • Center channel for structural support and reduced height requirement
  • 2:1 turndown ratio
  • Gasket material supplied as specified
  • Guide tubes segregate liquid from high-velocity vapor between channels
  • Elevated metering orifices provide fouling resistance

Optional Features

  • Multi-level orifices for increased operating range
  • Second level of covers provide liquid cross-mixing
  • Multiple center channels for higher liquid capacity
a close-up of a grey object

Model 141 Tubular Distributor

The Koch-Glitsch Model 141 tubular distributor features orifices in lateral tubes and is ideal for liquid rates 0.3-8 gpm/ft2 and tower diameters 0.5-10 feet.

  • Metering device: Orifices in lateral tubes
  • Liquid rates: 0.3-8 gpm/ft2 [0.7-20 m3/h/m2]
  • Tower Diameter:  0.5 ft to 10 ft [150-3000 mm]
  • Support Features: Beams or on packing with special support grid
  • Redistribution: Separate liquid collector

Standard Features

  • High drip point density provides good distribution to wire gauze structured packing
  • 2:1 turndown ratio
  • Gasket material supplied as specified
  • For use with clean services only

Optional Features

  • Additional receiver height allows increased operating range
a close-up of a metal structure

Model 156 Trough Distributor

The Koch-Glitsch Model 156 trough distributor features trough wall metering orifices with enhanced baffles and is ideal for tower diameters 3 feet and larger.

  • Metering device: Trough wall metering orifices with enhanced baffles
  • Liquid rates: 0.1-15 gpm/ft2 [0.25-37 m3/h/m2]
  • Tower Diameter: 3 ft [900 mm] and larger
  • Support Features: Directly on packing or beams
  • Redistribution: Separate liquid collector

Standard Features

  • For use with structured packing only
  • 2:1 turndown ratio
  • Enhanced baffle includes surface treatment for liquid spreading and serrated bottom to prevent liquid tracking
  • Baffle alignment ensures complete wetting of bottom of first layer
  • Elevated metering orifices provide fouling resistance
  • Overflow protection
  • Reduced drip point density allows for larger orifices
  • Secondary baffle shields liquid from high-velocity vapor between troughs

Optional Features

  • Multi-level orifices for increased operating range
  • Multiple parting boxes for higher liquid capacity
  • Pre-distribution channels provide velocity reduction for higher liquid capacity
a large machine with several pieces of metal

Model 166 Dual Trough Low Flow Distributor

The Koch-Glitsch Model 166 dual trough low flow distributor features trough wall orifices with enhanced baffles and is ideal for tower diameters 3 feet and larger.

  • Metering device: Trough wall orifices with enhanced baffles
  • Liquid rates: 0.05-5 gpm/ft2 [0.12-12 m3/h/m2]
  • Tower Diameter: 3 ft [900 mm] and larger
  • Support Features: Directly on packing or beams
  • Redistribution: Separate liquid collector

Standard Features

  • For use with structured packing only
  • 2:1 turndown ratio
  • Secondary trough spreads liquid and feeds enhanced baffle
  • Enhanced baffle includes surface treatment for liquid spreading and serrated bottom to prevent liquid tracking
  • Baffle alignment ensures complete wetting at bottom of first layer
  • Elevated metering orifices provide fouling resistance
  • Overflow protection
  • Reduced drip point density allows for larger orifices
  • Secondary baffle shields liquid from high-velocity vapor between troughs

Optional Features

  • Multi-level orifices for increased operating range
  • Multiple parting boxes for higher liquid capacity
  • Pre-distribution channels provide velocity reduction for higher liquid capacity
a close-up of a metal container

Model 186 Trough Distributor

The Koch-Glitsch Model 186 trough distributor features trough wall orifices and is ideal for liquid rates 0.1-25 gpm/ft2 and tower diameters 3 feet and larger.

  • Metering device: Trough wall orifices with guide tubes
  • Liquid rates: 0.1-25 gpm/ft2 [0.25-60 m3/h/m2]
  • Tower Diameter: 3 ft [900 mm] and larger
  • Support Features: Beams or on packing with special support grid
  • Redistribution: Separate liquid collector

Standard Features

  • 2:1 turndown ratio
  • Guide tubes segregate liquid from high velocity vapor between troughs
  • Elevated metering orifices provide fouling resistance
  • Overflow protection

Optional Features

  • Multi-level orifices for increased operating range
  • Multiple parting boxes for higher liquid capacity
  • Pre-distribution channels provide velocity reduction for higher liquid capacity
a close-up of a metal rack

Model 196 Packed Trough Very Low Flow Distributor

The Koch-Glitsch Model 196 packed trough very low flow distributor features trough wall orifices with packed secondary troughs, ideal for tower diameters 3+ ft.

  • Metering device: Trough wall orifices with packed secondary troughs
  • Liquid rates: 0.03-5 gpm/ft2 [0.07-12 m3/h/m2]
  • Tower Diameter: 3 ft [900 mm] and larger
  • Support Features: Beams or on packing with special support grid
  • Redistribution: Separate liquid collector

Standard Features

  • For use with structured packing only
  • 2:1 turndown ratio
  • Secondary trough alignment ensures complete wetting at bottom of first layer
  • Elevated metering orifices provide fouling resistance
  • Overflow protection
  • Reduced drip point density allows for larger orifices
  • Low liquid entrainment

Optional Features

  • Multi-level orifices for increased operating range
  • Multiple parting boxes for higher liquid capacity
  • Pre-distribution channels provide velocity reduction for higher liquid capacity
a close-up of a metal circular object

Model 534 Disperser Support Plate

The Koch-Glitsch Model 534 disperser support plate is ideal for continuous phase rates up to 7.5 gpm/ft2 and dispersed phase rates 2.1-72.3 gpm/ft2.

  • Phase rates
    • Maximum continuous: 7.5 gpm/ft2 [18 m3/h/m2]
    • Dispersed: 2.1-72.3 gpm/ft2 [5-175 m3/h/m2]
  • Tower Diameter: 1 ft to 10 ft [300-3000 mm]
  • Support Features: Full-circumference tower ledge

Standard Features

  • Designed for liquid-liquid applications
  • Used with random packing
  • Maximum dispersed turndown ratio 5.5:1
  • Supports packed bed and disperses light phase into heavy phase
  • Dump tubes allow heavy phase to travel downward through the plate
  • Light phase forms a pool under the plate and orifices generate droplets
  • Ledge clamps

Optional Features

  • Larger tower diameter
a close-up of several cylinder holders

Model 535 Disperser Plate

The Koch-Glitsch Model 535 disperser plate is ideal for continuous phase rates up to 7.5 gpm/ft2 and dispersed phase rates 2.1-72.3 gpm/ft2.

  • Phase rates
    • Maximum continuous: 7.5 gpm/ft2 [18 m3/h/m2]
    • Dispersed: 2.1-72.3 gpm/ft2 [5-175 m3/h/m2]
  • Tower Diameter: 1 ft to 10 ft [300-3000 mm]
  • Support Features: Full-circumference tower ledge

Standard Features

  • Designed for liquid-liquid applications
  • Used with random packing
  • Supports packed bed and disperses heavy phase into light phase
  • Riser tubes allow light phase to pass up through the plate
  • Heavy phase forms a head on the top of the plate, and orifices generate droplets
  • Ledge clamps

Optional Features

  • Larger tower diameter
a close-up of a antenna

Model 544 Dispersed Phase Feed Pipe

The Koch-Glitsch Model 544 dispersed phase feed pipe has no tower diameter restriction and is ideal for liquid-liquid applications.

  • Tower Diameter: No restriction
  • Support Features: Wall clips or beams

Standard Features

  • Liquid-liquid applications
  • Gasket material supplied as specified
  • Prevents excessive turbulence at the phase boundary at the disperser plate
  • Controls feed velocity
  • Correct positioning of discharge points to minimize disturbance

Optional Features

  • All-flanged construction
a long pipe with multiple metal pipes

Model 545 Continuous Phase Feed Pipe

The Koch-Glitsch Model 545 continuous phase feed pipe has no tower diameter restriction and is ideal for liquid-liquid applications.

  • Tower Diameter: No restriction
  • Support Features: Wall clips or beams

Standard Features

  • Liquid-liquid applications
  • Gasket material supplied as specified
  • Controls feed velocity to prevent excessive disturbance of the heavy/light phase interface

Optional Features

  • All-flanged construction
a model of a building

Model 611 Deck Liquid Collector

The Koch-Glitsch Model 611 deck liquid collector has no tower diameter restriction and features sufficient vapor risers to maintain good vapor distribution.

  • Tower Diameter: No restriction
  • Support Features: Full circumference tower ledge or body flange mounting

Standard Features

  • Gasket material supplied as specified
  • Sufficient vapor risers to maintain good vapor distribution
  • Single or multiple sumps
  • Center or side sump location
  • Total or partial draw

Optional Features

  • Field-welded construction
  • Pipe downcomers
a close-up of a circular object

Model 613 Deck Liquid Collector

The Koch-Glitsch 613 deck liquid collector features a sloped deck for quick drainage of fluid and tall vapor risers to prevent entrance of sloshing liquid.

  • Support Features: Full-circumference tower ledge

Standard Features

  • Deck sloped for quick drainage of liquid
  • Vapor risers sufficiently tall to prevent entrance of sloshing liquid
  • Center sump location
  • Box downcomers

Optional Features

  • Pipe downcomers
a close-up of a metal object

Model 621 Trough Liquid Collector

The Koch-Glitsch Model 621 deck liquid collector is designed for tower diameters 3.5 feet and larger and delivers good vapor distribution.

  • Tower Diameter: 3.5 ft [1100 mm] and larger
  • Support Features: Full-circumference tower ledge

Standard Features

  • Gasket material supplied as specified
  • Sufficient vapor risers to maintain good vapor distribution
  • Single or multiple sumps
  • Thermal expansion allowance
  • Wall wiper to direct liquid to troughs
  • Total or partial draw

Optional Features

  • Pipe or box downcomers
a close-up of a circular object

Model 622 Trough Liquid Collector

The Koch-Glitsch Model 622 trough liquid collector is designed for tower diameters 6 ft and larger and is constructed to reduce residence time, minimize coking.

  • Tower Diameter: 6 ft [1800 mm] and larger
  • Support Features: Full-circumference tower ledge

Standard Features

  • Seal-welded construction
  • Sloped construction reduces residence time and minimizes coking
  • High open area minimizes pressure drop
  • Emergency overflow
  • Thermal expansion without excessive leakage
  • Preferred design for the overflash collector in deepcut vacuum crude towers
  • Total or partial draw
a close-up of a circular object

Model 633 Vane Liquid Collector

The Koch-Glitsch Model 633 vane liquid collector is designed for tower diameters 2.5 feet and larger and features low pressure drop and pipe or box downcomers.

  • Tower Diameter: 2.5 ft [760 mm] and larger
  • Support Features: Full-circumference annulus or body flange mounted

Standard Features

  • Low vapor phase pressure drop
  • Eliminates separate feed pipe by feeding liquid directly to annulus for complete mixing
  • Vane style tailored to process requirements
  • Pipe or box downcomers

Optional Features

  • Total liquid cross-mixing
a close-up of a metal muffler

Model 705 Flashing Feed Chamber

The Koch-Glitsch Model 705 flashing feed chamber is designed for tower diameters 1-4 feet and is available with additional chambers for larger tower diameters.

  • Tower Diameter: 1 ft to 4 ft [300-1200 mm]
  • Support Features: Wall clips

Standard Features

  • Gasket material supplied as specified
  • Liquid and vapor phase
  • Centrifugal force disengages the liquid and vapor phases
  • Less column height required compared to flash gallery

Optional Features

  • Additional chambers for larger tower diameters
a close-up of a metal object

Model 716 Deck Vapor Distributor

The Koch-Glitsch Model 716 deck vapor distributor is designed for tower diameters 2.5 feet and larger and features a 4:1 turndown.

  • Tower Diameter: 2.5 ft [450 mm] and larger
  • Support Features: Full circumference tower ledge

Standard Features

  • 4:1 turndown
  • Gasket material supplied as specified
  • Correct poor vapor distribution below a packed bed
  • Restrictor plates at bottom of vapor risers provide sufficient pressure drop to distribute vapor evenly across tower area
  • Sufficient number of vapor risers to ensure good distribution
  • Side or center sump for liquid flow

Optional Features

  • Field-welded construction
  • Pipe downcomers
  • Heavy-duty design for increased uplift resistance
long metal pipe with a long pipe

Model 719 Feed Pipe

The Koch-Glitsch Model 719 feed pipe has no tower diameter restriction with a turndown ratio determined based on the internal the feed pipe is feeding.

  • Tower Diameter: No restriction
  • Support Features: Wall clips or beams

Standard Features

  • Turndown ratio is determined based on the internal which the feed pipe is feeding
  • Gasket material supplied as specified
  • Single straight header
  • Liquid phase only
a close-up of a metal cylinder

Model 745 Flashing Feed Pipe

The Koch-Glitsch Model 745 flashing feed pipe is designed for tower diameters 3 feet and larger and is available in T and H configurations.

  • Tower Diameter: 3 ft [900 mm] and larger
  • Support Features: Wall clips or beams

Standard Features

  • Gasket material supplied as specified
  • Single straight header
  • Liquid and vapor phase
  • Feed impinges on the inside of the flash box, promoting disengagement of the liquid and vapor phases
  • Less column height required compared to flash gallery

Optional Features

  • Vapor hood
  • Available in T and H configurations
a close-up of a metal object

Model 746 Pipe Vapor Distributor

The Koch-Glitsch Model 746 pipe vapor distributor is designed for tower diameters 1.5 feet and larger, features a 4:1 turndown and is suitable for vapor phase only.

  • Tower Diameter: 1.5 ft [450 mm] and larger
  • Support Features: Wall clips or beams

Standard Features

  • 4:1 turndown
  • Gasket material provided as specified
  • Vapor phase only
  • Pressure drop across metering orifices provides uniform distribution across tower area
  • Provides good vapor distribution for feeds between packed beds where vapor composition may be different
  • Requires less column height compared to a deck vapor distributor
a metal object with holes

Model 755 Flashing Feed Gallery

The Koch-Glitsch flashing feed gallery is designed for tower diameters 3 feet and larger and requires increased column height for aerated fluids.

  • Tower Diameter: 3 ft [900 mm] and larger
  • Support Features: Full circumference tower ledge

Standard Features

  • Inlet diffuser
  • Liquid/vapor or flashing feeds
  • Feed impinges tangentially on vessel wall, promoting disengagement of the liquid and vapor phases
  • Metering orifices direct liquid to distributor below
  • Requires increased column height for aerated fluids, such as those found in high-pressure fractionators

Optional Features

  • Gasket provided as specified
  • Center sump to feed distributor parting box
  • Fitting with vanes for collection of liquid from above
a circular metal object with a curved edge

Model 758 Enhanced Vapor Horn

The Koch-Glitsch Model 758 enhanced vapor horn is designed for tower diameters 6 feet and larger and are suitable for vapor only, liquid/vapor or flashing feeds.

  • Tower Diameter: 6 ft [1800 mm] and larger
  • Support Features: Welded to vessel wall

Standard Features

  • Suitable for vapor only, mixed liquid/vapor, or flashing feeds
  • Partial or full-circumference open-bottom horn
  • Centrifugal action imparted to feed directs entrained liquid to vessel wall
  • Specifically positioned turning vanes break the high-feed inlet velocity for improved vapor distribution and de-entrainment
  • Anti-swirl baffles positioned on the outside of the horn eliminate the cyclonic motion of the vapor
  • Designed to ensure adequate gas oil quality and yield, maximum column capacity, and proper wash bed performance when used for crude vacuum tower feed
  • Radial or tangential inlet configuration

Optional Features

  • Multiple feed inlets
  • Heavy-duty design for increased uplift protection
  • Wear plates
  • CFD analysis (including entire flash zone of crude towers)
a long shot of a metal structure

Model 768 YORK-EVENFLOW Vane Inlet Device

The Koch-Glitsch Model 768 YORK-EVENFLOW vane inlet device is designed for tower diameters 6 feet and larger and features a 4:1 turndown ratio.

Tower Diameter: 6 ft [1800 mm] and larger

Support Features: Beams or welded to vessel wall

Standard Features

  • 4:1 turndown
  • Suitable for high-energy vapor inlet streams entering through a radial inlet
  • Baffles used in conjunction with tapered inlet provide vapor distribution with minimal pressure drop
  • Curved baffle plates partition vapor stream into multiple small segments, reducing the velocity and directing the vapor horizontally across the column area

Optional Features

  • Field-welded construction
  • CFD analysis
a close-up of a metal object

Model 788 V-Baffle Inlet Diffuser

The Koch-Glitsch Model 788 V-baffle inlet diffuser is designed for tower diameters 2.5 feet and larger and can be used in place of more complex vapor distributors.

  • Tower Diameter: 2.5 ft [760 mm] and larger
  • Support Features: Welded to vessel wall

Standard Features

  • Liquid/vapor phases or vapor only
  • Reduces inlet stream energy
  • Can be used in place of more complex vapor distribution devices provided the ratio of inlet velocity head to packing pressure drop is low
  • Very effective low pressure drop phase separator

Optional Features

  • Anti-swirl baffles
  • Erosion allowance
diagram of a tank with arrows and a tank

Model 798 Vapor Distributor for FCC Main Fractionators

The Koch-Glitsch Model 798 vapor distributor is designed for tower diameters 5 feet and larger and are used for heavy fouling services.

Tower Diameter: 5 ft [1.5 m] and larger

  • Used for heavy fouling services, preferably in combination with PROFLUX® severe service grid

Standard Features

  • Fabricated in sections for installation through a vessel manway and is supported by tower wall clips
  • Mitigates vapor maldistribution of feed gas to slurry pumparound bed

Optional Features

  • Corrosion and erosion allowance
  • High temperature resistant design
a grey grate with holes

Model 802 Structured Packing Support Grid

The Koch-Glitsch Model 802 structured packing support grid has no tower diameter restriction and features free and uniform passage of liquid and vapor.

  • Tower Diameter: No restriction
  • Support Features: Full-circumference tower ledge or wall clips

Standard Features

  • Free and uniform passage of liquid and vapor
  • Bolted grid sections

Optional Features

  • Increased uplift resistance
  • Ledge clamps
  • Midspan beams
a close-up of a metal grate

Model 803 Structured Packing Bed Limiter

The Koch-Glitsch Model 803 structured packing bed limiter is designed for non-interference with liquid from distributor above.

  • Support Features: Wall clips or jack screws

Standard Features

  • Designed for non-interference with liquid from distributor above
  • Integrated with liquid distributor in small diameters
  • Used with INTALOX® high-performance liquid distributors

Optional Features

  • Increased uplift resistance
a close-up of a metal grate

Model 804 Random Packing Support Plate

The Koch-Glitsch Model 804 random packing support plate features a gas injection design for free and uniform passage of liquid and vapor.

  • Tower Diameter: 3 ft [900 mm] and larger
  • Support Features: Full-circumference tower ledge

Standard Features

  • Gas injection design for free and uniform passage of liquid and vapor
  • Beam sections connected with bolting
  • Ledge clamps

Optional Features

  • Midspan beams
a close-up of a grid

Model 805 Random Packing Bed Limiter

The Koch-Glitsch Model 805 random packing bed limiter rests on packing, so it requires no vessel attachments and withstands 50 lb/ft2 of upward force.

  • Support Features: Rests on packing; requires no vessel attachments 

Standard Features

  • Designed for non-interference with liquid from distributor above
  • Withstands 50 lb/ft2 [0.024 bar] upward force
  • Used with INTALOX high-performance liquid distributors

Optional Features

  • Increased uplift resistance
a grey plastic drain cover

Model 814 Random Packing Support Plate

The Koch-Glitsch Model 814 random packing support plate features a gas injection design for free and uniform passage of liquid and vapor.

  • Tower Diameter: 4 ft [1200 mm] and smaller
  • Support Features: Full-circumference tower ledge or wall clips

Standard Features

  • Gas injection design for free and uniform passage of liquid and vapor
  • Beam sections connected with bolting

Optional Features

  • Single-piece construction
  • Ledge clamps
a close-up of a metal grid

Model 825 Random Packing Bed Limiter

The Koch-Glitsch Model 825 random packing bed limiter withstands 50 lb/ft2 of upward force and is used with standard liquid distributors.

  • Support Features: Full circumference tower ledge, wall clips, or jack screws

Standard Features

  • Withstands 50 lb/ft2 [0.024 bar] upward force
  • Used with standard liquid distributors

Optional Features

  • Increased uplift resistance
a close-up of several black and white objects

Model 916/917 Deck Distributor

The Koch-Glitsch Model 916/917 deck distributor features deck level metering orifices and is ideal for liquid rates 1-50 gpm/ft2 and tower diameters 1.5-20 ft.

  • Metering device: Deck level metering orifice
  • Liquid rates: 1-50 gpm/ft2 [2.4-122 m3/h/m2]
  • Tower Diameter: 1.5 ft to 20 ft [450-6100 mm]
  • Support Feature: Full-circumference tower ledge
  • Redistribution: Vapor riser covers (Model 917)

Standard Features

  • 2.5:1 turndown ratio
  • Gasket material supplied as specified
  • Long rectangular risers

Optional Features

  • Anti-migration device at base of vapor riser replaces separate bed limiter
a metal object with many holes

Model 941 Pipe Distributor

The Koch-Glitsch Model 941 pipe distributor features metering orifices in pipe laterals and is ideal for liquid rates 1.5-10 gpm/ft2 & tower diameters 1.5+ ft.

  • Metering device: Metering orifice in pipe laterals
  • Liquid rates: 1.5-10 gpm/ft2 [3.7-24 m3/h/m2]
  • Tower Diameter: 1.5 ft [450 mm] and larger
  • Support Features: Supported by wall clips or beams
  • Redistribution: Separate liquid collector between beds

Standard Features

  • 2.5:1 turndown ratio
  • Requires little tower elevation
  • Very high open area
  • Flange connections
  • Gasket material supplied as specified

Optional Features

  • Vertical feed header on tower centerline
a metal pipe with four metal rods

Model 943 Spray Nozzle Distributor

The Koch-Glitsch Model 943 spray nozzle distributor features a 2:1 turndown ratio, with gasket material supplied as specified.

  • Metering device: Spray nozzle
  • Liquid rates: 0.2-50 gpm/ft2 [0.5-122 m3/h/m2]
  • Tower Diameter: No restrictions
  • Support Features: Wall clips or beams
  • Redistribution: None

Standard Features

  • 2:1 turndown ratio
  • Gasket material supplied as specified
  • Full cone spray nozzles with 90° or 120° cone angle
  • Maximum free passage nozzles for fouling resistance
  • Pressurized feed

Optional Features

  • Special designs to eliminate liquid stagnation and coking
  • 200% coverage to ensure complete wetting of the packed bed
a close-up of a metal object

Model 961 Channel Distributor

The Koch-Glitsch Model 961 channel distributor features orifices in the channel bottom and is ideal for liquid rates 1-30 gpm/ft2 and tower diameters 2.5+ feet.

  • Metering device: Orifices in channel bottom
  • Liquid rates: 1-30 gpm/ft2 [2.4-73 m3/h/m2]
  • Tower Diameter: 2.5 ft [760 mm] and larger
  • Support Features: Beams
  • Redistribution: Separate liquid collector

Standard Features

  • Turndown ratio determined by height limitations and motion dynamics
  • Designed for offshore applications subject to tilt and motion
  • Enclosed channels allow for high liquid head to reduce flow variation
a close-up of a metal object

Model 985 Trough Distributor

The Koch-Glitsch Model 985 trough distributor features trough wall v-notches and is ideal for liquid rates 2-40 gpm/ft2 and tower diameters 3 feet and larger.

  • Metering device: Trough wall v-notches
  • Liquid rates: 2-40 gpm/ft2 [5-98 m3/h/m2]
  • Tower Diameter: 3 ft [900 mm] and larger
  • Support Features: Full circumference tower ledge or beams
  • Redistribution: Separate liquid collector

Standard Features

  • 2.5:1 turndown ratio
  • Excellent fouling resistance

Optional Features

  • Distribution notch shape
  • Guide channels for better distribution quality
  • Slotted weirs for lower flow, less fouling services
  • Multiple parting boxes for higher liquid capacity
a drawing of a circular object

Model TP206, TS206 INTALOX® Pan Distributor (Model TP207/TS207 Redistributor)

Koch-Glitsch Model TP206, TS206 pan distributors (TP207/TS207 redistributors) are designed for tower diameters 10-48 inches and liquid rates above 0.5 gpm/ft2.

  • Tower Diameter: 10 in. to 48 in. [250 – 1200 mm]
  • Liquid rates above 0.5 gpm/ft2 [1.25 m3/h/m2]

Standard Features

  • Bolted to clips
  • Gasketed joints
  • One-piece construction for towers with smaller than 24 in. [600 mm] ID
  • Model 207 redistributor includes gas riser covers and gasket wall wiper

Optional Features

  • Elevated orifices in drip tubes
  • Body flange mounted support ledge (Model 206)
  • Suspended mounting
  • Non-standard point count
  • Multi-piece construction for tower IDs smaller than 24 in. [600 mm]
  • Special gasketing material
a long metal bar with four holes

Model TP219, TS219 INTALOX® Liquid-Only Feed Pipe

Koch-Glitsch Model TP219, TS219 INTALOX® liquid-only feed pipes feature flanged inlets and wall clip attachments for tower walls.

Standard Features

  • The inlet flange mates to an internal flange with a 150# flange bolt pattern
  • The end of the header opposite the inlet is attached to wall clips, which are part of the tower wall
  • All connections on TS models are flanged with thermoplastic bolting
  • Connections for TP models are threaded for pipe diameters up to 2-1/2 in. [65 mm] and flanged for diameters larger than 2-1/2 in.
  • Designs with lateral flanges include gasketing

Optional Features

  • All-flanged construction for TP models for pipe diameters 2-1/2 in. [65 mm] and smaller
  • Wall clips
  • Support beams
a drawing of a metal structure

Model TP236, TS236 INTALOX® Channel Distributor (Model TP237, TS237 Redistributor)

Koch-Glitsch Model TP236, TS236 INTALOX® channel distributors (TP237/TS237 redistributors) are designed for tower diameters 36 inches and larger.

  • Tower Diameter: 36 in. [900 mm] and larger
  • Liquid rates between 0.5 and 12 gpm/ft2 [1.25 – 30 m3/h/m2]
  • Flow equalization passages
  • Elevated orifices
  • Liquid overflow protection
  • Fouling resistant

Standard Features

  • Installed on a full support ledge
  • Gasketed joints
  • Wall wiper included to collect liquid on wall above and direct it into the distributor

Optional Features

  • Non-standard point count
  • Multiple level orifices (for high turndown ratio)
  • Leveling shims
  • Special gasket material
  • Suspended from beams
a close-up of several silver containers

Model TP276, TS276 INTALOX® Trough Distributor

Koch-Glitsch Model TP276, TS276 INTALOX trough distributors are designed for tower diameters 36 inches and larger and liquid rates above 0.5 gpm/ft2.

  • Tower Diameter: 36 in. [900 mm] and larger
  • Liquid rates above 0.5 gpm/ft2 [1.25 m3/h/m2]

Standard Features

  • Installed on a full support ledge
  • Troughs are continuous across the column diameter and are fed with one or more parting boxes
  • No gaskets are required to seal the distributor

Optional Features

  • Elevated orifice in drip tubes
  • Non-standard point count
  • Suspended from beams or clips
  • Higher turndown ratio
a drawing of a white box

Model TP802, TS802 Structured Packing Support

Koch-Glitsch Model TP802, TS802 structured packing supports are designed for all column diameters and support all plastic structured packings.

  • All column diameters
  • Supports all plastic structured packings

Standard Features

  • Rests on a full column ledge, except for very small diameters where lugs are used
  • Ledge strength calculations must be provided by the customer or a third party, such as the vessel supplier
  • Midspan beams may be required, depending on column diameter, design load, and temperature requirements

Optional Features

  • Ledge clamps (thermoplastic or metal)
a close-up of a metal object

Model TP803, TS803 Bed Limiter for Structured Packing

Koch-Glitsch Model TP803, TS803 bed limiters for structured packing minimize interference of liquid from distributors and withstand variable upward force.

  • Minimizes interference of liquid from distributors

Standard Features

  • Will withstand variable upward force, depending on the span in the column and process operating temperature
  • Designed to pass through available vessel manways for installation

Optional Features

  • Uplift resistance can be incorporated as specified
a close-up of a metal object

Model TP804, TS804 Random Packing Gas Injection Support

Koch-Glitsch Model TP804, TS804 random packing gas injection supports are designed for tower diameters 36 inches and larger and rest on a full column ledge.

  • Tower Diameter: 36 in. [900 mm] and larger

Standard Features

  • Rests on a full column ledge
  • Ledge strength calculations must be provided by the customer or a third party, such as the vessel supplier
  • Columns with larger diameters may require the use of midspan beams depending on the material of construction of the support, design load, and process operating temperature

Optional Features

  • Beam-to-beam bolting
  • Beams clamped to ledge or hold-down beam clamp assembly
a drawing of a circular metal object

Model TP805 Bed Limiter for Random Packing

The Koch-Glitsch Model TP805 bed limiter for random packing minimize interference of liquid from INTALOX distributors and withstand variable upward force.

  • Minimizes interference of liquid from INTALOX® distributors

Standard Features

  • Will withstand variable upward force, depending on the material of construction of the bed limiter, span in the column, and process operating temperature

Optional Features

  • Uplift resistance can be incorporated as specified
a grey plastic drain cover

Model TP814, TS814 Random Packing Gas Injection Support

Koch-Glitsch Model TP814, TS814 random packing gas injection supports are designed for towers diameters 6 to 48 inches and rest on a full vessel ledge.

  • Tower Diameter: 6 to 48 in. [150 to 1200 mm]

Standard Features

  • Rests on a full vessel ledge
  • Ledge strength calculations must be provided by the customer or a third-party, such as the vessel supplier
  • Columns with larger diameters may require the use of midspan beams depending on the material of construction of the support, design load, and process operating temperature

Optional Features

  • Multiple-piece construction for larger diameters
  • Beams clamped to ledge or hold-down beam clamp assembly
a drawing of a circular object

Model TP825, TS825 Bed Limiter for Random Packing

Koch-Glitsch Model TP825, TS825 bed limiters for random packing are designed for tower diameters 11.5 inches and larger and fasten to vessel walls.

  • Tower Diameter: 11.5 in. [300 mm] and larger
  • Fastens to vessel wall

Standard Features

  • Will withstand variable upward force, depending on the material of construction of the bed limiter, span in the column, and process operating temperature
  • The TS model is constructed with FRP framing, thermoplastic screen and ledge clamps to provide the high open area necessary for countercurrent liquid and gas capacities

Optional Features

  • Uplift resistance can be incorporated as specified
  • Clip mounted to vessel (eliminates ledge clamps)
a drawing of a circular object

Model TP905, TS905 Weir Riser Pan Distributor

Koch-Glitsch Model TP905, TS905 weir riser pan distributors are designed for tower diameters 12-48 inches and liquid rates between 1-8 gpm/ft2.

  • Tower Diameter: 12 in. to 48 in. [300 to 1200 mm]
  • Liquid rates between 1 and 8 gpm/ft2 [2.5 – 20 m3/h/m2]
  • Weir in risers

Standard Features

  • Supported by a full ledge or by clips.
  • Gasketed joints

Optional Features

  • One-piece construction for body flange mounting
  • Multi-piece construction on 19.4 in. [500 mm] ID and smaller
  • Special gasketing material
  • Slotted weirs for low flows
a drawing of a metal structure

Model TP916, TS916 Deck Distributor (Model TP917/TS917 Redistributor)

Koch-Glitsch Model TP916, TS916 deck distributors (TP917/TS917 redistributors) are designed for tower diameters 12+ inches and liquid rates between 2-50 gpm/ft2.

  • Tower Diameter: 12 in. [300 mm] and larger
  • Liquid rates between 2 and 50 gpm/ft2 [5 – 125 m3/h/m2]
  • Orifices in the floor plate

Standard Features

  • Installed on a support ledge and secured with tray clamps.
  • Thermoplastic clamps are standard on TS models. PP clamps are standard on TS models.
  • Includes gas riser covers to collect liquid raining from above.
  • Gasketed joints
  • On small, one-piece construction, the plate is sealed to the tower wall with rope packing

Optional Features

  • Higher turndown ratio
  • Body flange mounting (small diameter only)
  • Elevated orifices in drip tubes
  • Slotted weirs in drip tubes
  • Multi-piece construction for 24 in. [610 mm] ID or smaller
  • Tray clamps (metal or non-standard thermoplastic materials)
a metal object with long rods

Model TP941, TS941 Pipe-Arm Distributor

Koch-Glitsch Model TP941, TS941 pipe-arm distributors are designed for tower diameters 17 inches and larger and liquid rates between 1.5-10 gpm/ft2.

  • Tower Diameter: 17 in. [430 mm] and larger
  • Liquid rates between 1.5 and 10 gpm/ft2 [4 – 25 m3/h/m2]
  • Limited fouling resistance
  • Orifices in pipe

Standard Features

  • The header section is flanged for standard horizontal feed from the side of the tower
  • The laterals are flange-connected on TS models and pipe-threaded on TP models
  • Inlet flange connects to an internal flange with a 150# bolt pattern
  • The end of the header opposite the flange connection is attached to a clip for support
  • Support clips, as required, are used to support the laterals
  • Beams can be used to support large distributors when necessary

Optional Features

  • Flanged laterals (standard on TS model)
  • Vertical-feed header on tower centerline
  • Threaded header (on TP model only)
  • Support clips
  • Support beams
a drawing of a structure

Model TP943, TS943 Spray-Type Liquid Distributor

Koch-Glitsch Model TP943, TS943 spray-type liquid distributors are designed for tower diameters 8 inches and larger and liquid rates between 0.2-50 gpm/ft2.

  • Tower Diameter: 8 in. [200 mm] and larger
  • Liquid rates between 0.2 and 50 gpm/ft2 [0.5 – 120 m3/h/m2]
  • Spray nozzle
  • Good fouling resistance at medium-to-high flow range

Standard Features

  • The header section is flanged for standard horizontal feed from the side of the tower
  • The laterals are flange-connected on TS models and pipe-threaded on TP models
  • Inlet flange connects to an internal flange with a 150# bolt pattern
  • The end of the header opposite the flange connection is attached to a clip for support
  • Support clips, as required, are used to support the laterals
  • Beams can be used to support large distributors when necessary.

Optional Features

  • Flanged laterals (standard on TP models)
  • Vertical-feed header on tower centerline
  • Threaded header (on TP models only)
  • Support clips
  • Support beams
  • Special inlet flange
a close-up of several silver containers

Model TP976, TS976 Trough Distributor

Koch-Glitsch Model TP976, TS976 trough distributors are designed for tower diameters 36 inches and larger and liquid rates between 2-40 gpm/ft2.

  • Tower Diameter: 36 in. [915 mm] and larger
  • Liquid rates between 2 and 40 gpm/ft2 [5 – 100 m3/h/m2]
  • Orifices in trough floor
  • Limited fouling resistance

Standard Features

  • Installed on a full support ledge
  • Does not require sealing to a support ring
  • For redistribution between packed beds, a separate liquid collector is required to collect the liquid from the bed above and feed it to the parting box
  • No gaskets are required

Optional Features

  • Level shims
  • Suspended from beams
  • Ledge clamps (thermoplastic or metal)
a drawing of several metal objects

Model TP985, TS986 Trough Distributor

Koch-Glitsch Model TP985, TS986 trough distributors are designed for tower diameters 36 inches and larger and liquid rates between 2-40 gpm/ft2.

  • Tower Diameter: 36 in. [915 mm] and larger
  • Liquid rates between 2 and 40 gpm/ft2 [5 – 100 m3/h/m2]
  • Weirs in troughs
  • Fouling resistant

Standard Features

  • Installed on a full support ledge
  • No gaskets are required

Optional Features

  • Higher turndown ratio with slotted weirs in metering boxes
  • Suspended from beams
  • Ledge clamps (thermoplastic or metal)
a drawing of a circular object

Model TS834, TS844 Random Packing Gas-Injection Support

Koch-Glitsch Model TS834, TS844 random packing gas-injection supports are designed for tower diameters 18 to 48 inches (TS834) and 45 inches and larger (TS844).

  • Model TS834 – Tower Diameter: 18 to 48 in. [450 to 1220 mm]
  • Model TS844 – Tower Diameter: 45 in. [1145 mm] and larger

Standard Features

  • Rests on a full vessel ledge
  • Ledge strength calculations must be provided by the customer or a third party, such as the vessel supplier 
  • Columns with larger diameters require the use of midspan beams depending on the material of construction of the support, design load, and process operating temperature

Optional Features

  • Hold-down beam clamp assembly (thermoplastic or metal fasteners)
  • Embedded reinforcing bars
a stack of metal cylinder

MONTZ BSH Packings

High performance packing for thermal mass exchange

BSH packings combine the essential features and properties of sheet metal packings and fabric packings in one packing type. The patented surface structure is an outstanding characteristic of the BSH packing. It consists of rhomboidal openings with alternatively crimped edges. This structure results in an exceptional and uniform wetting of smallest as well as large liquid loads. Turbulences caused by the crimped edges of the openings create a continuous mixing of the liquid film on the packing surface.   


  • Large capacities and flexibility
  • Good wettability and therefore optimum contact areas between gas and liquid
  • High separation performance, close to capacity limits
  • Liquid loads 0.02 to more than 150 m³/(m² h)
  • Low pressure drop
  • Solutions for every separation problem through variable, specific surfaces.                                                                      


  • Vacuum columns
  • Atmospheric columns
  • Absorption
  • Natural gas drying
  • Refinery columns
  • Petrochemical columns
  • Waste water strippers
  • Separation columns for chemical industry
  • Columns for dealcoholization of beer
  • Retrofits of existing plate columns or stacked columns for performance improvements                                                           

Column data:

  • Diameter ca. 20 mm up to 11 m and larger
  • Liquid loads from 40 l/(m² h)
  • Operating pressures from vacuum to over 100 bar
  • Minimum liquid hold-up

MONTZ-Channel Duct Distributor S

The patented liquid distributor Type S is suited for extremely small sprinkling densities. The special design enables high drip point densities, to achieve a complete wetting of the packing surfaces even at smallest liquid quantities.

The basic design of the MONTZ-Channel Duct Distributor Type S corresponds to the proven MONTZ modular system. Drain pipes are further equipped with draining spouts. This allows the liquid streams flowing through distribution pipes to be further split into several smaller single streams. Even for smaller liquid quantities, drip point densities of >100/m² can be achieved through this design principle                                                                                                                          

Type S:

  • Liquid distributor for smallest volumetric flows. (So far, the smallest quantities were app. 20 l/(m² h)).
  •  Liquid drain through drain pipe such as TYPE R.
  •  At its bottom end of each drain pipe, a drain spout with lateral slits and seven or more drip fingers split the liquid streams of every drain pipe into separate partial streams.                                                                                         

Operating ranges:

  • Single-stage: app. 1:2.5
  •  Double-stage: app. 1:10
  •  larger operating ranges upon request

Number of drip locations:

  •  60 to >200 per m² (depending on liquid quantity)

Throughput quantities:

  •  0.3 up to more than 20 m³/(m² h)
  •  Insensitive to sedimenting contaminants                                                                                                       

Special applications

  •  Corrosion-resistant materials such as Tantalum, Zirconium and Titan are standard
  •  Liquid Distributor Type S for feeding bundled tube reactors filled with catalytic converters
  •  Distribution of liquids with high viscosity of e.g. 1,300 mPas
a red round platform with a few steps

MONTZ-Pak Type A3

Special-fabric packing for separation of thermally unstable substances under vacuum

MONTZ-Pak Type A3 satisfies particularly the special demands posed by the separation of thermally unstable substances under vacuum conditions. This becomes possible primarily through a special fabric with excellent wetting characteristics by capillary effect, which form the packing layers in the shape of rippled disks. This packing type also works very well for very small quantities of liquid loads due to low pressure losses and high separation efficiencies.


  • Particularly suitable for vacuum columns
  • Very small liquid loads (< 100 l/m²h) are possible
  • Lowest pressure drop per theoretical separation step
  • High separation performance through good wettability of packing surface
  • Capillary effect of special fabric                                                                                                                                                          


  • Areas of application are mainly in the separation of thermally unstable substances, which can be fractionated in vacuum of e.g. 0.5 mbar.
  • Distilled oils
  • Isomer mixes
  • Fatty acids
  • Fatty alcohols
  • Deodorizing of salad oils
  • De-gassing of transformer oil
  • Pilot columns
  • Vitamins

Column data:

  • Diameter from app. 20 mm up to 7 m and wider
  • Very low liquid loads (e.g. 20 l/m²h)
  • Very low operating pressures (e.g. 0.5 mbar)
  • Minimum liquid hold-up
a stack of black and white objects

MONTZ-Pak Type B1

The high-performing sheet metal packing

MONTZ-Pak Type B1 is the result of years of experience and development in the field of thermal separation technology with structured packings for mass transfer. MONTZ-Pak Type B1 has proven its performance in many technical applications. The exceptional properties are possible through the regular geometrical arrangement of corrugated sheets and its particular MONTZ surface structure.                                                                                                                                                                     


  • Large throughput capacity
  • High flexibility
  • High separation performance, close to capacity limits
  • Low pressure drop
  • Liquid loads from 0.1 to over 250 m³/(m² h)
  • Adaptability to every separation problem through variable, specific surfaces                                                                      


  • Atmospheric columns and high pressure columns
  • Absorption of components and contaminants from gas and air flows
  • Natural gas drying with Glycols
  • Refinery columns (atmospheric and under vacuum)
  • Petrochemical columns
  • Exhaust air decontamination in Aluminium rolling mills
  • Lubricating oil and rolling oil processing
  • Waste water stripper
  • Retrofits of existing plate columns or packed columns for performance improvement

Column data:

  • Diameters ranging from 40 mm to 11 m and wider
  • Liquid load from 40 l/(m² h)
  • Operating pressures from vacuum to above 100 bar
  • Minimum liquid hold-up

MONTZ-Pak Type C-1

Plastic Packings made from PTFE for separation of corrosive substances

The MONTZ-Pak Type C1 made from pure PTFE is a structured mass transfer packing with a specific surface of 300 m2/m3. The C1-Packing is manufactured in the shape of round packing elements for smaller diameters and as segments for larger diameters. The packing layers are held together and stabilized in a basket.                                                                           

Properties: The MONTZ-Pak Type C1 structure is very similar to the one of the B1-Packing; this implies that properties such as pressure drop and separation performance are similar. 


  • Distillation
  • Absorption
  • Desorption
  • Liquid / liquid extraction


  • Distribution and support systems for the C1-Packing are among other materials manufactured from e.g. Hastelloy C4, B2, Titanium and Tantalum.

Column data:

  • Operating temperature up to 130 °C
  • Liquid loads app. 2 to 150 m³/(m² h)
  • Specific surface of 300 m²/m³
  • The smallest possible column diameter is app. 60 mm. The packing elements can be made in one piece up to a diameter of app. 1,500 mm. Manufacturing in segments from 800 mm column diameter is possible.
a close-up of a metal structure

MONTZ-Pak Type M and Type MN

MONTZ-Pak Type M and Type MN are patented further developments of the proven MONTZ structured packings Type B1 and BSH as well as A3.

Differently adapted and improved wave geometries result in two packing variants which, at identical surface area, increase either the throughout or the separation performance by 30 %. Both packing variations use a patented height-variable wave pattern, which prevents liquid accumulation at the transition zone between two packing layers. The packing types can be characterized as follows: 

The M-Series: Type M packings are particularly suited for throughput increases of up to 30 % for existing columns. It enables a reduced pressure drop at nearly the same separation performance compared to the standard packing. The areas of application include new column as well as existing columns. MONTZ M-Packings offer a 20 - 30 % reduced pressure drop compared to standard packings. Increased throughputs, smaller pressure drops or reduced column diameters are possible due to the streamlined wave patterns. The M-Packing is particularly suited for low vacuum applications and smallest irrigation densities.

The MN-Series: Type MN packings are characterized by an increased separation performance of up to 30 %, at an increased throughput or reduced pressure drop when compared to the standard packing. Higher product qualities and lower overall heights are achievable. 

For new distillation columns, the MONTZ-Packings Type M and MN reduce investment costs with regard to diameter and construction height.

Reductions in column height or / and diameter are possible through the increase in separation performance and throughput. The advantages of both high performance packings are also achieved by retrofits of existing columns. The overall throughput of existing facilities can be increased, product quality be improved or energy reductions can be achieved through the reduction of reflux rates.

a close-up of a metal object

MV-1 Type MINIVALVE® Moving Valve

Koch-Glitsch MV-1 valves are high-efficiency MINIVALVE® moving valves with higher capacity than full-size valve trays and a wide operating range.

Originally used only on SUPERFRAC® high-performance valve trays, this moving valve is now available for use on conventional trays. This valve offers high capacity, efficiency and a wide operating range. Because of the way the legs are inserted into the deck, the valves cannot spin. The valves come in two leg lengths, although the longer length is rarely needed – the shorter leg accommodates most common deck thicknesses. Valves are normally furnished dimpled with tabs to space the cap edges slightly off the deck. A flush-seated style is available upon request. 

MINIVALVE® valves:

  • Provide reduced entrainment and better efficiency than conventional valve and sieve trays
  • Provide improvement in capacity that can exceed 13% in spray regime services with low-to-moderate weir loadings
  • Exhibit a more uniform froth action on the tray deck compared to full-size valves
  • Are directional with the rear leg being a little wider than the downstream front leg
  • Provide a slight pushing action to the liquid as vapor passes through the valves
  • Maintain a more uniform flow pattern on cross-flow trays with less retrograde action
a large metal object with metal grate

OMNI-FIT® Technology

OMNI-FIT® technology from Koch-Glitsch is a set of mechanical engineering designs used to reduce the cost and downtime of revamps.

OMNI-FIT technology is a set of mechanical engineering designs used to reduce the cost and downtime of packed tower revamps. These technologies include expansion rings, continuous vertical support columns, pedestal supports, downcomer adapters, and innovative mass transfer equipment designs that can minimize or eliminate welding on an existing tower. Efficiency and capacity enhancements can be achieved by using high-performance trays combined with OMNI-FIT technology.

  • Can eliminate welding to the vessel shell
  • Shorten turnarounds
  • Convert between packing and tray configurations
  • Change tray spacings and/or orientation
  • Change the number of tray flow passes
  • Modify tray downcomer sizes or configurations
  • Install new mass transfer equipment where no existing tower attachments exist
  • Install multi-pass SUPERFRAC® XT trays
a close-up of a metal object

Parallel Plate Separators

Koch-Glitsch parallel plate separators achieve efficient separation and are the preferred equipment design when there is potential for solids or tarry liquids.

Parallel plates provide many interfaces within the vessel, which allows significant reductions in separator vessel sizes.  

Koch-Glitsch parallel plate designs achieve efficient separation and are the preferred equipment design where the potential exists for solids or tarry liquids.

a close-up of a metal fence

Pinned Truss

Our pinned truss can be installed inside a column without welding and features interchangeable components, improved maintenance and reduced shipping volume.

The Pinned Truss is assembled using threaded hardware, allowing the individual components (chords and struts) to be introduced through a vessel manway and installed within the mass transfer tower without welding.

  • Components are designed to pass through the vessel manway
  • No welding inside the column
    • Up to 80% reduction of installation time compared to field-welded solution
  • Simple installation sequence reduces inspection requirements during installation 
  • Interchangeable components
    • Improved maintenance/easy installation
  • Minimized individual component weight 
    • Easier and safer handling
  • High open area can be achieved
  • Reduced shipping volume 
a large machine with many rows of objects

PLUS Technology for SUPERFRAC® Tray

Koch-Glitsch SUPERFRAC® trays are high-performance crossflow trays ideal for both new construction and revamps that offer high capacity and efficiency.

The patented PLUS technology acts as a deentrainment device and can decrease the efficiency loss that often occurs in low-liquid and high-vapor-rate applications. In these types of conditions, it is common for high vapor rates to blow the liquid off the trays. While the PLUS technology will not prevent a tray from blowing dry, it does help offset the efficiency losses that occur because of high entrainment in low-liquid-rate services. Gains of 5% in usable (efficient) capacity are typical.   

PLUS technology is installed below each tray and helps reduce the entrainment of liquid droplets from one tray to the next. The deentrainment device is a customized design that typically uses a specifically designed FLEXIPAC® structured packing. Because structured packing is used, this technology typically is not applied in fouling services. ​

Product Benefits

  • Diameters from 3 ft [900 mm]  
  • Applications with low liquid rates  
  • Available with most downcomer designs
a close-up of a metal table

Ported Downcomer Beams

Ported downcomer beams from Koch-Glitsch eliminate the need for additional welded beam seats, reduce installation time and improve process performance.

The Ported Downcomer beam design was developed to increase the mechanical robustness of the tray  while allowing greater access to the full tray. The Ported Downcomer beam design utilizes the downcomer panels to provide mechanical strength, typically eliminating the need for separate beams and beam seats.

  • Stiffer mechanical section
    • Reduced deflection
    • Improved process performance
  • Active panels are parallel to flow
    • Integral stiffeners have most preferred orientation
    • No resistance to flow
    • Improved process performance
  • Eliminates need for additional welded beam seats
  • Fewer structural components
    • Reduced installation time
  • Elimination of obstructions within tray space
    • Improved installation and maintenance access
    • Improved process performance
a metal molds on a rack

PROFLUX® Severe Service Grid

PROFLUX® severe service grid packing combines the efficiency of structured packing with the robustness and fouling resistance of grid packing.

Engineered to withstand harsh conditions.

The new high-performance severe service grid packing from Koch-Glitsch combines the efficiency of structured packing with the robustness and fouling resistance of grid packing. You get the best of both worlds in a packing that outperforms both of its predecessors in severe services.

PROFLUX severe service grid is a rugged assembly of sturdy corrugated sheets welded to heavy gauge rods. The combination of welded rod assembly and corrugated sheets of increased material thickness provides a very robust design that resists damage from tower upsets or erosion. The gaps between the sheets provide improved fouling resistance by eliminating points of contact between the sheet crimps where solids can collect or liquid can become stagnant and subject to high temperature coking.

several metal pieces of a computer

PROVALVE® Fixed Valve

Patented Koch-Glitsch PROVALVE® valves eliminate the potential for popped, fouled, or stuck valves, offering low pressure drop and maximum fouling resistance.

The patented PROVALVE® valve offers the wide operating range of conventional valve trays, but with no moving parts. The valve design prevents valve leg or deck wear and eliminates the potential for popped, fouled, or stuck valves.

  • The tapered cover imparts a forward lateral push to the liquid across the tray, allows a large open area, and directs and deflects the vapor.
  • The result is uniform liquid and vapor distribution across the entire tray with a low, even spray height across the deck. This increases the tray’s efficiency, prevents liquid backflow, suppresses jet flooding, and permits operating at greater vapor rates.
  • The cleansing action from the liquid push protects the tray deck from fouling.
  • The sheltered valve design allows a large open area that promotes lower pressure drop and protects against vapor surges.
a metal plate with holes


PROVALVE® trays from Koch-Glitsch are designed to eliminate potential for popped, fouled, and stuck valves, with a wide operating range and no moving parts.

The PROVALVE® tray offers the wide operating range of conventional valve trays, but with no moving parts. The valve design prevents valve leg or deck wear and eliminates the potential for popped, fouled, or stuck valves.

The key to the fouling resistance of the PROVALVE® tray is its tapered valve cover, which imparts a forward-lateral push to the liquid flowing across the tray. This directional flow keeps the liquid moving uniformly across the deck, sweeping the deck clean of orifice‐clogging debris.

The directional flow of the PROVALVE® tray also provides uniform liquid and vapor distribution across the entire tray with a low, even spray height across the deck. This increases the trayʹs efficiency, prevents liquid backflow, suppresses jet flooding, and permits operation at greater vapor rates.

a close-up of a metal object

Reactor Internals

Koch-Glitsch has the capability and experience to design and manufacture your reactor column internals, with outlet and inlet baskets and catalyst support grid.

Koch-Glitsch has the capability and experience to mechanically design and manufacture your reactor internals. 

  • Distributors
  • Outlet basket 
  • Catalyst support grid 
  • Inlet basket 
a long white metal bar

Sectionalized Beams

Koch-Glitsch sectionalized beams are designed to pass through a vessel manway and make installation safer, easier, and faster while reducing turnaround times.

Koch-Glitsch developed Sectionalized Beams to meet the continuous mass transfer industry demands for revamping large-diameter packed tower columns. The Sectionalized Beams are designed to pass through the vessel manway, minimizing installation and overall turnaround duration. With these shop-fabricated beam sections, the installation is safer, easier, and faster. Due to the innovative mechanical design, the Sectionalized Beam provides a greater strength/weight ratio for longer spans compared to traditional beams. The Sectionalized Beam provides openings which allow for communication of process fluids.

close-up of several metal pieces

SMVP Extraction Packing

SMVP Extraction Packing from Koch-Glitsch is available in various packing types, sizes and materials to meet varying requirements for liquid-liquid extraction.

Liquid-liquid extraction is an important unit operation that is in some instances more economical than ordinary distillation. The separation of constant boiling mixtures (azeotropes) or separation of components with very close boiling points are examples. Another application where liquid-liquid extraction may be employed is the separation of very high molecular weight materials. Even when distilled under vacuum, the high temperatures required may cause product degradation. Counter-current extraction columns equipped with Koch-Glitsch SMV/SMVP Extraction Packings are particularly effective in this regard.

Depending on the extraction application, various packing types, sizes and materials are available which allow for varying requirements of mass transfer efficiency, column capacity and corrosion allowanceKoch-Glitsch can design the extractor internals for either the light or heavy phase being dispersed, depending on the application. The direction of mass transfer, the wetting characteristics of the system, and other operational parameters usually determine which phase will be dispersed and which phase will be continuous.

Operational Features

  • No moving parts
  • High capacity compared to random packing and trays
  • Mass transfer efficiency nearly independent of throughput, within wide operating range
  • Suitable for low interfacial surface tension and/or small density differences
  • Preferable when the process involves elevated temperatures or pressures
  • Predictable scale-up
  • Increases capacity and/or efficiency of existing columns

Mechanical Features

  • Fabricated in most metals and some plastics
  • SMV Extraction Packing: Structured packing specifically designed for counter-current extraction columns
  • SMVP Extraction Packing: Specially designed extraction packing that includes disperser plates between packing layers to significantly reduce axial mixing
  • Distributors: Specially designed feed distributors are an integral component of the high performance SMV Extraction Packing system
  • Column size: 4 in [100mm] or larger

Typical Applications

  • Extraction of H2S from LPG with amines
  • Removal of acetic acid from water with benzene
  • Extraction of aromatics from lubricating oils with furfural
  • Separation of asphaltic compounds from oil
  • Extraction of glycerides from vegetable oil
  • Recovery of hormones, vitamins and antibiotics
  • Recovery of essential oils
  • Removal of phenolic compounds from wastewater
  • Extraction of mercaptans from refinery gas with caustic

Koch-Glitsch also offers metal sieve trays and a full line of random tower packings manufactured from metals, plastics and ceramic materials to suit any extraction requirement.

a close-up of a plastic device

Super INTALOX® Saddles Random Packing

Super INTALOX® random packing from Koch-Glitsch is favored by designers and industries using ceramic saddles but needing the superior performance of plastic.

Generally, Super INTALOX saddles random packing are favored by designers and industries that once used ceramic saddles but now want the superior performance of plastic Super INTALOX Saddles. Although this packing does not have the "high performance" characteristics of INTALOX SNOWFLAKE®  or BETA RING® random packings, it has been used extensively in corrosive services. Further, it is less sensitive to liquid distribution quality and has higher liquid hold-up and residence time for those services that benefit from such characteristics.

a close-up of a metal surface


SUPERFLUX® trays from Koch-Glitsch provide increased fouling resistance, which can lead to increased run times between cleaning shutdowns.

To ensure the appropriate technologies are applied for each SUPERFLUX® tray design, Koch-Glitsch engineers work with each client to obtain the specific characteristics of fouling that must be addressed. Features suitable for the specific application are combined into a final design to produce a tray capable of longer run times between cleaning shutdowns.

Conventional Downcomers 
SUPERFLUX® trays with conventional downcomers use active area enhancements and may have inlet area enhancements. The straightforward design of the downcomers allows the use of standard tray construction and simplifies installation.

PURGE Downcomers 
In processes where downcomer fouling is known to cause frequent shutdowns, Koch-Glitsch offers the PURGE downcomer configuration. The PURGE downcomer has proven suitable to resist fouling for such services as polymer slurry, acrylonitrile, and butadiene services.

The PURGE downcomer SUPERFLUX® trays use active area enhancements and may have inlet area enhancements. Very specific advanced downcomer technologies have been applied to the PURGE downcomer trays.

Tray valves 
SUPERFLUX® trays provide increased fouling resistance, which can lead to increased run times. Large diameter fixed valves that are fouling resistant are a standard feature.

Several valve options are available that promote self-cleaning of the active areas. These valves have directional components that utilize vapor energy to provide forward-lateral push on the froth. This action is critically important to maintain proper tray activity and reduce residence time of solids on the tray deck.

Particular attention is paid to the peripheral areas of the deck where stagnation may lead to solids deposition. Directional valves are placed in this area to both increase activity as well as promote a uniform flow profile. These components combine to reduce the residence time distribution and enhance the fouling resistance of the trays.

Such a tray design is suitable for processes which are particularly prone to active area fouling, such as sour water strippers and beer strippers.

close-up of a machine


Koch-Glitsch SUPERFRAC® trays are high-performance crossflow trays ideal for both new construction and revamps that offer high capacity and efficiency.

The SUPERFRAC tray is a high-performance cross-flow tray that has the highest combined capacity and efficiency of all cross-flow trays tested at Fractionation Research, Inc. (FRI) SUPERFRAC trays can be used in new construction and revamp opportunities for virtually any service in which conventional sieve and valve trays are used. They are especially beneficial in applications requiring a large number of mass transfer stages or where mass transfer efficiency is critical to the economics of the operation. Examples include superfractionators (ethylene, propylene), light hydrocarbon fractionators, splitters in chemical and petrochemical applications, and aromatic services.

The patented technologies used in SUPERFRAC trays are the culmination of over twenty years of comprehensive tray development work. The unique combination of SUPERFRAC patented technologies and design strategies produces the high capacity and the maximum vapor/liquid contact efficiency achievable on a cross-flow distillation tray. As a result, the SUPERFRAC tray gives the highest economic benefit to operators of distillation columns seeking solutions for both new construction and revamp projects.

SUPERFRAC trays use active area enhancements and advanced downcomer technologies and may include inlet area enhancements. Koch-Glitsch provides multiple different patented downcomer configurations to optimize the SUPERFRAC tray design for your specific application.

a close-up of a metal plate


SUPERFRAC® XT trays from Koch-Glitsch are ideal for difficult or high-purity separations and provide maximum tray efficiency/capacity in large-diameter columns.

In larger diameter columns, typical multi-pass designs are limited to four passes. For applications that require more than four passes, the proprietary multi-pass downcomer design can be used to reduce weir loading and improve the capacity of the column.  

Koch-Glitsch has successfully designed large diameter columns that use multi-pass design techniques in 6-pass or 8-pass configurations. The downcomer configuration for a multi-pass design typically is the multi-chordal design; however, almost any other configuration can be used. 

Product Benefits

  • Diameters from 13 ft [4000 mm]  
  • Difficult or high-purity separations  
  • Maximum tray efficiency and capacity 
  • Multiple downcomer designs 
a close-up of a pill capsule

T Valve

Koch-Glitsch T valves are standard, round full-size valves, providing more weepage resistance, corrosion/erosion resistance, and an even wider operating range.

The Type T valve is the caged equivalent to the Type A valve. The use of this FRI-tested valve precedes the Type A valve.

  • The Type T valve has a single moving cap with no moving legs protruding through the deck
  • A cage assembly retains the cap
  • It is more resistant to weeping and to becoming dislodged from the deck
  • It is more fouling resistant than the Type A valve
  • It normally comes dimpled, but can be flush-seated as necessary
a close-up of a metal piece

T0 Valve

Koch-Glitsch T0 valves are caged, low-pressure-drop valves with a wide operating range and contoured deck holes for the lowest possible pressure drop.

This variation of the Type T valve uses an extruded, Venturi-like orifice.
  • The dry tray pressure drop is lowered due to the contoured hole in the tray deck providing an overall lower pressure drop
  • This comes with a price of higher weepage and reduced turndown
a close-up of several metal panels


The THORMANN® tray by Montz and Koch-Glitsch is great for low liquid flows, good residence time, and high separation efficiency.

The Thormann tray is designed to handle even the lowest liquid flows, e.g. 40 l/(m2h ) [0.016 gpm/ft2], at a pressure drop as low as 1 mbar per tray.


The arrangement of the caps combined with the special vapor slots ensures a controlled flow pattern of the liquid on the tray and consequently a favorable residence time and a high separation efficiency.


Liquid weeping is minimized (even under minimum vapor flow rates) and can be completely eliminated by seal welding on installation. The vapor risers are formed from the tray deck and prevent the liquid from leaking down by design, which helps to achieve higher separation efficiency.

Optional cooling or heating coils may be provided between the rows of caps for use in, for example, exothermic absorption or reactive distillation applications.


a close-up of a metal object

TP854, TS854 Heavy-Duty Random Packing Gas-Injection Support

Koch-Glitsch TP854, TS854 heavy-duty random packing gas-injection supports are designed for tower diameters 10+ inches (TP854) and 18+ inches (TS854).

  • Tower Diameter: 10 in. [254 mm] and larger for Model TP854
  • Tower Diameter: 18 in. [460 mm] and larger for Model TS854

Standard Features

  • Heavy-duty construction
  • Rests on a full column ledge 
  • Ledge strength calculations must be provided by the customer or a third party, such as the vessel supplier 
  • Columns with larger diameters may require the use of midspan beams depending on the material of construction of the support, design load, and process operating temperature
  • Bolted construction

Optional Features

  • Hold-down beam clamp assembly
  • Body flange mounted
a drawing of a circular object

TP906, TS906 Pan Distributor

Koch-Glitsch TP906, TS906 pan distributors are designed for tower diameters 48 inches and smaller and liquid rates between 1-30 gpm/ft2.

  • Tower Diameter: 48 in. [1200 mm] and smaller
  • Liquid rates between 1 and 30 gpm/ft2 [2.5 – 75 m3/h/m2]
  • Orifices in the floor plate

Standard Features

  • The distributor is supported by a full ledge or by clips.
  • Gasketed joints

Optional Features

  • One-piece construction for body flange mounting
  • Multi-piece construction on 19.4 in. [500 mm] ID and smaller
a close-up of a metal object

Traditional Trays

Koch-Glitsch has the capability and experience to design and manufacture traditional tray configurations.

These traditional tray designs and configurations include varieties such as: 

  • Baffle
  • Bubble cap
  • Dualflow
  • Liquid-liquid
  • Sieve
  • Tunnel


a group of metal containers


ULTRA-FRAC® trays from Koch-Glitsch are high-capacity commercial mass transfer devices that provide superior liquid and vapor handling and foam suppression.

The ULTRA-FRAC tray is the highest capacity commercial mass transfer device tested at Fractionation Research, Inc. Its multiple separators produce co-current flow.

With ULTRA-FRAC trays, existing columns can be retrofitted without welding to the vessel shell, resulting in significant capacity increases without the major capital expenditures and space requirements of building new columns. One-for-one change-outs of existing trays are possible for many services. For new grassroot vessels, ULTRA-FRAC trays could offer significant reduction in vessel diameters, minimizing initial capital costs.

ULTRA-FRAC trays offer:

  • Superior liquid handling
    • The unique operating principle provides capacity advantages
  • Superior vapor handling
    • Functioning as a deentrainer, ULTRA-FRAC trays provide significantly higher vapor rates without degrading efficiency
  • Foam suppression
    • At low to medium liquid rates, ULTRA-FRAC trays exhibit foam suppression capability
a close-up of a metal object

V-baffle Inlet Diffuser (Model 788)

V-baffle inlet diffusers from Koch-Glitsch are non-fouling, reduce inlet stream energy and are very effective as low-pressure-drop phase separators.

The V-baffle inlet diffuser can be used in liquid/vapor phases or vapor only. It reduces inlet stream energy and is very effective as a low-pressure-drop phase separator. When the liquid surface tension is elevated, the V-baffle inlet device is a practical starting point for feed distribution.  

Product Benefits

  • Diameters greater than 30 in. [760 mm] 
  • Non-fouling 
  • Suitable for vapor-only, mixed liquid-vapor or flashing feeds 
a close-up of a metal surface

VG-0 Type MINIVALVE® Fixed Valve

Koch-Glitsch VG-0 valves are MINIVALVE® fixed valves with higher capacity than full-size valve trays and are ideal for smaller towers or more throughput.

  • Provide reduced entrainment and better efficiency than conventional valve and sieve trays
  • Provide improvement in capacity that can exceed 13% in spray regime services with low-to-moderate weir loadings
  • Exhibit a more uniform froth action on the tray deck compared to full-size valves
  • Are directional with the rear leg being a little wider than the downstream front leg
  • Provide a slight pushing action to the liquid as vapor passes through the valves
  • Maintain a more uniform flow pattern on cross-flow trays with less retrograde action
a close-up of a pill

VG-10 Valve

Koch-Glitsch VG-10 valves are full-size fixed valves with large opening for improved fouling resistance and rugged construction for longer tray life.

This is a full-size fixed valve that is anything but conventional.

  • The net rise typically ranges from 0.236 in [6 mm] to 0.551 in [14 mm], varying in 0.039 in [1 mm] increments (other lifts may be available in some cases)
  • This valve is also directional with the rear leg being visibly wider than the downstream front leg
  • As with any fixed valve, it can never become stuck to the deck, nor can it spin
  • The large net rises available plus the directional liquid flow make this an outstanding anti-fouling valve that is widely used on anti-fouling SUPERFLUX® trays
    • Using a large net rise ensures that large particles can freely pass through the deck openings
    • There are no protrusions below the deck for any material to hang up on and for deposits
    • The liquid push is strong enough to help solid material be flushed downstream and toward the downcomer where it can exit off the tray deck
a silver cylindrical object with a white background

VORSOMAX® Cyclone Mist Eliminator

VORSOMAX® cyclone mist eliminators from Koch-Glitsch help reduce vessel size or increase capacity in high-pressure applications with high gas handling capacity.

Reduce new vessel size or increase capacity in high pressure applications. 

VORSOMAX  cyclone mist eliminators consist of single or multiple elements mounted onto a deck plate. Each element contains an activator which generates centrifugal forces to provide the separation of vapor and liquid(s).  The units are provided in easily handled subassemblies, which are installed through vessel manways.  If the vessel is equipped with a body flange, the elements may be consolidated into a single piece for installation via the body flange. 

  • VORSOMAX  cyclone mist eliminators deliver very high gas handling capacity combined with excellent droplet removal efficiency even at elevated pressures. 
  • For grassroots projects involving high pressure separators, cyclone mist eliminators can provide the lowest overall cost solution by minimizing the diameter and height requirements of the vessel. This reduction in footprint can result in several benefits to the end user such as: faster vessel delivery, lower transportation costs, simplified installation and lower overall vessel costs.
  • For existing high-pressure separators, where significant additional capacity is required, cyclone mist eliminators can extend the gas capacity well beyond any other mist elimination technology.
  • Cyclone mist eliminators are used in the advanced two-stage DEMISTER-PLUS® mist eliminator to provide high throughput capacity.  

Product Benefits

  • Minimizes grassroots vessel diameter and weight, which is particularly important in high pressure applications
  • Ideal for debottlenecking existing separators for capacity upgrades
  • High gas turndown
  • Easily installed through vessel manways 
a close-up of a metal object

VORSOMAX® Cyclonic Inlet Device

VORSOMAX® cyclonic inlet devices deliver good separation of vapor and liquid phases and decrease the momentum of feed streams entering inlet nozzles.

The VORSOMAX cyclonic inlet device is a patent-pending inlet device that delivers good separation of vapor and liquid phases. It consists of a manifold and a series of separation cans, in which centrifugal force is generated to provide the vapor-liquid separation.

VORSOMAX cyclonic inlet device decreases the momentum of the feed stream entering an inlet nozzle. This is performed in a controlled manner which allows:

  • Removal of bulk liquid and some solids
  • Foam breaking or suppression
  • Good distribution of vapor over downstream internals
  • Reduced liquid loading to downstream mist elimination equipment
  • Minimization of droplet shatter, which prevents creation of additional fine entrainment
  • Reduction of forces generated by vapor acting on liquid surfaces below the feed point, which prevents re-entrainment
  • Lower pressure drop compared to conventional inlet cyclones


Characteristics of VORSOMAX Cyclonic Inlet Device

  • Due to high efficiency separation of liquid from vapor, reduces liquid load to mist elimination equipment
  • Prevents shear forces acting on liquid levels which can lead to re-entrainment of previously collected liquid
  • Modular construction allows for easy installation through vessel manways
  • Custom engineered for vertical or horizontal vessels


  • Minimizes new vessel diameter and weight
  • High gas turndown
  • Ideal for debottlenecking existing separators for capacity upgrades
a close-up of a round object

Wire Gauze Structured Packing

Koch-Glitsch wire gauze packing is the preferred packing in distillation service for deep vacuum and low-liquid-rate applications, delivering excellent efficiency.

Koch-Glitsch wire gauze packing is the preferred packing in distillation service for deep vacuum and low-liquid-rate applications. The characteristic of lowest pressure drop per theoretical stage makes wire gauze packing the preferred device for processing specialty chemicals, pharmaceuticals and temperature-sensitive materials.

Wire gauze packing is generally used in small- to medium-diameter columns to achieve the maximum number of theoretical stages in the minimum column height. Because of the capillary effect, the wire gauze material provides an extremely wettable surface for low-surface-tension liquids, resulting in excellent mass transfer efficiency, particularly at very low liquid rates

a close-up of a metal structure

YORK-EVENFLOW Vane Inlet Device

Our YORK-EVENFLOW vane inlet device reduces high inlet gas momentum, diverts high liquid loads away from mist eliminators and prevents reentrainment.

The design and performance of the YORK-EVENFLOW vane inlet device is superior to traditional baffles or dished splash plates. The modular construction allows installation through vessel manways and can be engineered for vertical or horizontal vessels.  

The YORK-EVENFLOW vane inlet device gradually decreases the momentum of the inlet feed stream to allow removal of bulk liquid and solids and provides even distribution of the gas flow over the downstream mist elimination devices.  

Special design features of the YORK-EVENFLOW vane inlet device provide best in class mechanical reliability. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modeling can be used to provide a complete picture of the vapor and liquid flow in the vessel to optimize the internals design to meet desired performance. 


  • Reduces high inlet gas momentum 
  • Diverts high liquid loads away from mist eliminators 
  • Prevents reentrainment of liquid droplets from the liquid sump


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