Koch-Glitsch 是傳質和分離技術的領導者,為歐洲各行各業的不同需求提供先進的解決方案。憑藉數十年的專業知識,我們幫助煉油、石化和特種化學品行業的客戶實現運營效率、可靠性和脫碳目標,從而在不斷變化的環境中保持競爭力。
Koch-Glitsch 與歐洲各行各業合作,通過創新的傳質和分離解決方案推動卓越運營,支援可持續發展計劃,並滿足不斷變化的監管要求。
Koch-Glitsch 是傳質和分離技術的領導者,為歐洲各行各業的不同需求提供先進的解決方案。憑藉數十年的專業知識,我們幫助煉油、石化和特種化學品行業的客戶實現運營效率、可靠性和脫碳目標,從而在不斷變化的環境中保持競爭力。
Our agile service approach and strategically positioned facilities across Europe allow us to provide timely, tailored support with deep technical knowledge to our customers when and where it’s needed. With a proven track record of reliability and efficiency, we empower customers to reduce their environmental impact, boost energy efficiency, operate their plants with confidence, and extend the lifespan of their equipment.
At Koch-Glitsch, our proficiency in carbon capture and decarbonization technologies makes us a reliable partner across Europe. As environmental regulations become increasingly stringent, we can help navigate these challenges with advanced solutions that reduce emissions and improve efficiency while hitting sustainability goals and objectives.
We partner with our customers to design, manufacture, and implement high-quality solutions that can minimize downtime, maximize value, and address their toughest operational challenges. By combining innovation, operational excellence, and sustainability, we work to create mutual benefit and make a lasting impact on Europe’s diverse industries and communities.
當希臘的一家煉油廠合作夥伴希望改造其石腦油分流塔以將進料能力提高 21 時,Koch-Glitsch 認證塔專家挺身而出。與 Koch-Glitsch TOWER DOCTOR® 故障排除團隊合作,他們解決了最初的挑戰,制定了一項計劃,用 ULTRA-FRAC® 塔盤替換現有塔盤,以應對液體和蒸汽流量的增加——該解決方案成功克服了運營挑戰,實現了目標容量增加。
Eta Process Plant Division of Koch Engineered Solutions Limited
First Floor, Three Counties House Festival Way
Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire
United Kingdom
+44 (0) 1782 744561Koch-Glitsch UK Division of Koch Engineered Solutions Limited
First Floor, Three Counties House Festival Way
Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire
United Kingdom
+44 (0) 1782 744561Koch-Glitsch Italia S.r.l.
SS 148 Pontina KM 52 Casella Postale 7
Campoverde di Aprilia, Province of Latina 4011
+39-06-928-911 Modello di OrganizzazioneKoch-Glitsch Italia S.r.l.
Via Torri Bianche, 3A
Vimercate, Province of Monza and Brianza 20871
+39 039 6386010 Modello di OrganizzazioneKoch Engineered Solutions GmbH
Werner-Heisenberg Strasse 13
Landau, Rhineland-Palatinate 76829
+49 6341 5101-35Koch Engineered Solutions GmbH
Hofstr. 82
Hilden, North Rhine-Westphalia 40723
49 2103 894-0Koch-Glitsch, a division of Koch International SAS
Parc d'Activités du Grand Rhône 4 rue Joseph Rainard
Arles, Bouches-du-Rhône 13200
+33 (0) 4-9018-4800希望將您的運營提升到一個新的水準?在線聯繫我們,索取有關我們任何產品或功能的更多資訊,並瞭解Koch-Glitsch 如何為您提供説明。